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  1. S

    Fascinating behaviour of NGT with IT

    Hey peeps, been... oh... years (?) since I last posted anything here. But I've had some recent developments in my tank over the last few months that I think were more noteworthy here than BCA. This is in regards to Tu'Big the Indo Tiger that I bought from King Ed's about 4-5 years ago. He...
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    ~17" HBRTG FS $500

    Hello everyone, I have been debating this issue for about 8 months now and have finally decided that in the interest of keeping a well balanced tank, selling the aro would be a good idea. I've had this RTG since October 2007. He's about 17" which is about the same size as my larger Charming...
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    HD video of my Aro and tank mates.

    Well I *just* posted this video on BCA and within 20 minutes I'd received a pm saying that I should really be posting it here as well. So here it is:' This is taken with the new 2009 underwater Sanyo Xacti in 720p. The youtube video doesn't look anywhere as nice as it does on my ps3 on a...
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    New Silver Dat

    This is my new, quite stable silver Dat! As you can see, he's quite small. That feeder learned not to cross the egg-crate division between large predators and small 'growers'--and is now too large to fit through the holes. I've decided not to feed him to anyone, as it adds a nice balance...
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    Silver Tiger - Location

    A friend and I are having a discussion regarding Silver Tigers (quadrifasciatus). I recently bought the 'Aquarium Atlas' and it states that Silver Tigers come from Asia. My friend however says that Silver Tigers only come from South America. Does anyone know for certain where they come from...
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    Truly a supreme tiger!

    Does anyone remember my post back in December, where my 2" tiger had a gaping hole in his head? I'd talked about putting him down for a while, but since he was still eating well, I decided not to. Well the gaping hole turned into a zit and back into a bigger hole and... ... ... until finally...
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    Well I found out on Thursday that I would have to move by October 30, because we just lost one house-mate, and another just bought a condo--so we're 3 to a $2000 house. After some initial panic, I've decided and been accepted to live at my parents' place until at least spring. All that...
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    LF Someone to build a tank stand in the Lower Mainland

    Boy, it feels like it's been forever since I last posted. However my keyboard recently lost its spacebar functionality and my living arrangement has been quite ludicrous recently. Anyway, my birthday was this past Friday and as 'present,' I was told that I'd be moving Oct. 30 because everyone...
  9. S

    d-('_')-b 5 new Phoenix! d-('_')-b

    Well I was at King Ed last week and they had a tank full of 1-2" phoenix; but the tank had a sign stating they were all sold. But I enthusiastically asked if they were getting more and was told to come back on Wednesday. I didn't have time yseterday, but payed a visit this afternoon to find...
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    :'( My XP3 just died

    I just did a filter rinse, and after 2 hours, I've decided that it's dead. So currently I only have 1 eheim pro 3 running for 1 aro, 2 prochilodus, 1 small tiger, 1 small bichir. So what do you all think? Can that run my tank on just the one eheim? I only run my tank at about 60%, so about...
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    Aro update June 2k8

    I posted these in my tank update post, but that's not terribly appropriate, so here's a good one. You If you look closely at the tiger's head (on his left or the picture's right) you can make out a faint dot. This is where he has a hole in his head from when he had the huge pussy...
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    Tank update!

    Well it's finally over. I've survived the most brutal winter I've ever experienced--that is, the first winter I've been in the work-force AND in grave-yards at that. So I haven't been here in a while, because I've just been trying to survive. But now I'm back! As I haven't got updated pics...
  13. S

    Huge bump on Datnoid's head!

    Datnoid's head bump [update] Well all has been running smoothly in my tank for a number of months. That is, except for the minor cloud eye a few weeks ago and a few other minor afflictions. Well I was just doing a feeding and I noticed my datnoid has a huge bump on his head. I've never...
  14. S

    What do you feed, what you feed to your Aro?

    Alright, so this is an extension of the below topic of "What do you feed to your Aro?" I recently thought about what I was feeding my meal worm and have started experimenting with what they feed on. Currently I've been keeping with the bran they come with and adding an organic baby carrot...
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    Panda RTG from summer order

    I promised pics AGES ago, but had no decent camera to take pics with. I did however, get a DSLR for christmas, and although I'm terrible at taking pics with it, I've come up with two pics which I think are good enough for posting. That's two of 5 GB worth of photos that I now have of my fish...
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    Free to a good home

    Free Phoenix to a good home I have a Prochilodus Insignis of about 6 inches which I need gone basically ASAP. Recently she's been beating up my larger phoenix and I just noticed that one side of my larger phoenix has many missing scales. Don't get me wrong, she's not an aggressive fish, but...
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    Warning - HBH algae wafers have changed

    I just bought a new $30 bin of HBH algae wafers for my set of prochilodus and it seems they've changed something about them. I used to put 15+ pellets in my tank and a day or two later there'd still be a few of them--still in pellet form--lying at the bottom of my tank. Well the new pellets...
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    Hello everyone! I have been fish keeping for nearly 5 years and have held an interest in Arowana for about 4. I did not, however start keeping one until October, when the last Aro order came in. Currently I house; 1 16" prochilodus 1 6" prochilodus 1 5-6" Panda RTG 1 2-3" Indo Tiger 1...