Search results

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    FS - Ecotech Radion and biocube 29

    closed my saltwater tank, so this is what's for sale... Ecotech Radion G2 with hanging kit - $400 Biocube 29 (topless) with stand and light hanger (ADA style) - $200 here's a pic of the tank and light when set up
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    fs - NAN light

    brand new 4ft NAN lighting I don't know what its worth now so $75? trades welcome as well...
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    fs - bichirs and ripsaw catfish

    I have some fish for sale... 1 x 17"+ ripsaw catfish, eats anything from pellets to frozen prawns - $85 6 x 7"+ polypterus endlicheri bichirs, eat pellets and frozen prawns - $60each
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    fs - rtg

    selling this guy for a friend, this red tail gold arowana is from CV Maju and about 7". eating everything from pellets to frozen foods. This guy has no defects and comes with certificate. $575 obo
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    fs - nile perch and albino clown knife

    thinning out my tank 2 x nile perch 6" eating pellets, frozen shrimp and earth worms - $85each 2 x ALBINO clown knives 7" eating bloodworms and frozen shrimp - $50each
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    has anyone seen this before?

    I stumbled upon this, Im sure someone here has seen it. Its a bit long...
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    FS - Endlicheri bichirs

    I'm down sizing so these fish gotta go. 5 x 4.5-5" endlicheri bichirs for sale $25 each or take all five for $110 pm me if you are interested
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    nikon camera

    Just got myself a nikon D90 (body only) looking for a lens to go with it, something I can take good shots of my fish, and everything else....
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    australian lungfish part 2?

    After seeing Theo's lungfish, I want one too! With Theo's help I would like to organize another groupbuy anyone on here interested in getting an Australian Lung fish? Please pm for pricing and let me know if you are interested Derek
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    aussie lungfish group buy

    anyone on here interested in getting an Australian Lung fish? I want to set up a group buy soon. Please let me know if you are interested Derek
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    anyone using or heard of.....

    Anyone using or heard about these heaters? Finnex 500 watts Titanium heater with controller or Pro-Heat II 1000 watt LCD Titanium Heater with controller
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    fs - hikari fish food

    hikari massivore delight 13.4oz resealable bag, expires july 2012 - $30ea hikari tropical food sticks 2.2lb (1 kg) resealable bag, expires aug 2012 - $80ea for out of towners shipping available but better off to piggy back off someones fish order thats going into your city.
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    FS/FT - 4-5" silver dollars

    I have 5 silver dollars for trade or for sale. around 4-5" all for $25
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    fs - Panda Red

    just putting out a feeler to see if anyone is interested in a Panda Red arowana about 5-6" no visible defects at the moment eating pellets, krill. market prawns $1588 obo
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    fs - hikari pellets

    13.4 oz bag of Hikari Massivore pellets $27 2.2 lbs bag of aro sticks $75
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    FS - PGS

    Anyone looking to start a comm tank? I have three young Panda Gold Supremes for sale. reason for selling is I want 1 high end aro. here are some pics all three with certs. for $1450
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    fs - albino tinfoil barbs

    I have a few of these guys as dither fish for my aros but now I want to thin out the tank roughly 3" well fed and none attacked by the aros red starting to show in the tail 1 for 5$ or 5 for 20$
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    here are the PGS I picked up from the last order, I thought I'd get some pics before they start fighting...
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    fs - driftwood

    I have 2 pieces for sale.. 1st piece, $50 sinks... on its side back view standing upright 2nd piece, $25 floater. I never even used this piece because it floats, you would need to secure it on some slate
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    fs - cube tank

    cube tank 30"dx30"wx18"h tank only, no stand DIY overflow, drilled upper right hand corner(bulkhead included) $180