Are pellets and ready made fish food enough nutrition for Arowana growth.


New Member
Just want to see how many Arowana keepers feed just straight pellets and nothing else in raising their Arow's. So that means, no market shrimps, crickets, or meal worms. Just pellets, be it floating or sinking. I thought it would be an interesting topic.
If you disagree, post your comments, or what you do as far as varied diets for your Arowana.:D


New Member
Just want to see how many Arowana keepers feed just straight pellets and nothing else in raising their Arow's. So that means, no market shrimps, crickets, or meal worms. Just pellets, be it floating or sinking. I thought it would be an interesting topic.
If you disagree, post your comments, or what you do as far as varied diets for your Arowana.:D

Not 100%. In my case, is 98%. But must start to train at earlier size.


New Member
Putting cost and hassle aside - the best food for your aro I think is a varied one, focusing allot on insects and worms. I have been out to the farms and shops in Asia, and they all feed their top fish stuff like roaches, worms..etc. Thats the natural food for aros and packed full of nutrients. Hence why they have evolved to swim at the top of the water and have mouths built to suck in top water food.

Of course, it cost more and is a pain sometimes, and frankly these fish are not in the wild and have it pretty good with dry food.


New Member
The Aro farms in Asia use bugs because its a cheap source of protein, and is readily available. The Aro's are fed these to grow bigger and faster. This means higher profit.
But I doubt that Arow's in the wild will eat as much insects as we feed our Arowanas in captivity. You right that the Arowana is designed for feeding on the surface but don't forget they can jump high to grab a lizard off a hanging branch. Also stream lined for speed to catch up to the multitude of frogs that inhabit the rivers edge.