Recent content by exoticaquaria

  1. exoticaquaria

    Summer 2020 orders

    Nice list, nice fish like always!!! A+++
  2. exoticaquaria

    New order for early 2020

    Can't wait to see the next import!
  3. exoticaquaria

    RIP King-eL

    Extremely sad news. I also met Earl in the "good old days" and have become quite close. Often chatting about fish and recently fishing. Still can't believe he's left us. May he RIP.
  4. exoticaquaria


    Prime example of you get what you pay for! Lesson learned I'm sure for the Hotel!
  5. exoticaquaria

    6 Premium and Ultimate Merlion Crossbacks

    Nice looking group!
  6. exoticaquaria

    Beyond expectations !!!!!

    Theo always delivers! Nice arowana and nice tank!
  7. exoticaquaria

    Fall orders - Super Reds and Golds!

    Like always, top quality fish! Itchy.... lol
  8. exoticaquaria

    Sailfin pleco with BDs?

    Theo nice bds. I've kept albino gibbs with rays before and it was fine. Although be careful as some plecos can get nasty and can kill rays. Make sure that pleco is well fed!
  9. exoticaquaria

    Tong Yan

    Nice looking TY! Love the african scats too.
  10. exoticaquaria

    Gold Head Order

    Congrats Theo! Superb golden heads!
  11. exoticaquaria

    lifespan of aro...

    I just got news that my rtg arowana just passed away. Since selling my big tank at around the 14 year mark, the aro was living in my friends tank. He was 17-18 years old when he passed a few months ago. Wasn't even old age or anything but rather during a water change, he was spooked, jumped and...
  12. exoticaquaria

    Back after some time off...

    Welcome back. I think a few of us had the same thing happen. Life / family. Looking forward to seeing pics of your new collection!