Recent content by ktan

  1. K

    Albino pearls

    Congratulations, those are beautiful rays. Wished I could afford them. I have a 10" flagtail with a 7" motoro but the flagtail never touched the ray. Don't really know what happens at night but the ray hasn never shown any injuries or bite marks. The flagtail would go after my aro though...
  2. K


    Ah, makes sense. My first question was actually how the swelling turned out.
  3. K


    Geez, how did this go? Why are you clipping it?
  4. K

    Dreamfish/Merlion Warranty

    Yes, totally agree that it's a good thing...just saying if the other countries did the same for their exports, that'll be super!
  5. K

    Dreamfish/Merlion Warranty

    The only thing is that some of the aros from the neighbouring countries are preferred over those from Singapore, an example is the red aros...some prefer those from Indonesia.
  6. K

    Dreamfish/Merlion Warranty

    Thanks, good info to know. I don't suppose this applies to farms in other countries like those in Malaysia or Indonesia.
  7. K

    How to feed your new Asian arowana

    In addition to the Hikari food sticks and frozen shrimp, I also mix in Ocean Free AR-G2 and frozen smelts which I prepare and present similarly to the frozen shrimp. I also have some cichlids in the same tank so I feed them Hikari Red Parrot, and the aro eats that too. The aro is supposed to...
  8. K

    Varieties of gold arowanas

    Thank you...this is a great start! Looking forward to more....
  9. K

    Toronto, ON

    Toronto, ON
  10. K

    Varieties of gold arowanas

    That would be helpful. To further assist consumers with making an informed decision, it'll probably be useful if you can include symbols such as '$' to '$$$$$' to indicate cost?
  11. K

    Varieties of gold arowanas

    Anyone know if there is somewhere I can find a list of the different types/varieties of Asian aros and a short description about them? And I'm not talking about the base variants like the RTG, HBRTG or XB. I'm refering to names like Panda Gold Supreme, Splendour, VIP XB, Merlion Gold Head...
  12. K

    Newly set up 110g

    Here's my newly set up 110g. All residents are still juveniles, maybe except the flagtail. 1 x silver leucistic (or white or albino or whatever you wanna call em, just not a normal silver) 1 x common pleco 1x flagtail 2 x king kong parrot 3 x flowerhorn
  13. K


    Thanks. I suspect people will post more if they have questions or if they have good input to provide on a particular topic. I'm in the GTA.
  14. K


    Hi everyone, I'm a newly registered user here. I've been reading a few posts and have found this site to be really useful with lots of info from experienced folks so I decided to join. I've been keeping arowana for 20+ years but never had an asian....I've only had a silver, then upgraded to a...