Search results

  1. N

    New stingray!!

    Glad he is eating,
  2. N

    Caught my Rays Mating

    Def some ray action here, thanks for sharing
  3. N

    New 140ish tank

    Wow, great job close to home too :p
  4. N


    Didn't realize that actually works..
  5. N

    who can spot all the fish?

    Love the look of your setup.
  6. N

    FEB 2014 UPDATE

    Whoa! What size is that tank? Nice collection
  7. N

    Adz1 250g. pics.

    Frt are cutest creatures in the tank.
  8. N

    Asian arowana prices

    Please share ;)
  9. N

    Sharing my Asian Aros

    Th color is amazing on them.
  10. N

    Show your very first tank(s) / fish!!!

    Nice fronts, do you still have them?
  11. N

    Big als tank sale

    Awesome deal,
  12. N

    Aro's eaten a suction cup

    Lucky fish ,,