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  1. K

    2 x 180 tank + 2 x RTG

    Video Update - RTG with Discus:
  2. K

    2 x 180 tank + 2 x RTG

    Video Update -
  3. K

    Post your best aquarium photo here!

    Thanks Brad for sponsoring this contest! and Congrats to Joey - indeed very nice! Cheers, Kim
  4. K

    Black diamond stingrays

    Nice one! - Do post more pics when they are settled in. They have very nice Discus too -
  5. K

    Arowana Collectibles

    Got this recently -
  6. K

    24 hour drip systems for dummies

    Just an update - after I installed the Aqua-lifter on the PVC pipe, the siphon has never been a problem. I still have to build a back-up PVC over-flow pipe as everything seems to be working fine. It has been 4-5 months now and I only had to do a 50% WC (after I had to move substrates...
  7. K

    What other pets?

    Greyson here - and Grumpy -
  8. K


    Like Aros, they have their personalities. One of my RTG took out my adult Female Ray recently, she has a big barb but never seem to have tried to use it to defend herself. For me, it is a bit of an eye-opener to read from this thread that Dats had been killed by barbs from Rays...
  9. K


    BTW - was the barb left inside and they had to cut it out? or you able to pull it out? The barb can be toxic long after it leaves the ray apparently.
  10. K


    How did you first know you had been stung? Did you feel the sting immediately when it happened (like being stung by a bee) or you felt something was wrong and realized you had been stung? Curious as the pups looks so harmless - could easily happen to anyone else. My Aro attacks the...
  11. K

    2 x 180 tank + 2 x RTG

    RTG from CV Maju - Jeremy "DeepRed" helped me source him. The Discus are from the yearly Discus raising contest - Have a 3rd Discus Juvi grow-out contest...
  12. K

    2 x 180 tank + 2 x RTG

    Latest update -
  13. K

    "Angel" Motoro Stingray - 1 week not eating yet

    Latest Update - The RTG is very aggressive and I have to shield the ray from it to minimize bites.
  14. K

    New RTG - Possible Tanks Mates? Too Early?

    A video update today -
  15. K

    FEB 2014 UPDATE

    Super Nice!
  16. K

    New BD Pup batch Jan 29/14

    Congrats! Considering that you are experiencing what most of us could only dream of - Top Quality Stingray Pups popping out like Rabbits - : ) - these are good issues/stresses to have!
  17. K

    Brown rays

    Nice patterns! WC?