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  1. K

    What setup/fish do you miss the most in 2013?

    My 2 IT Datnoids that were killed accidentally during a WC - video was just a day before that fateful day . . .
  2. K

    First Motoro Question-

    I found it more practical and useful to use a tong to feed my Motoro - It is less messy and they get used to it. Dropping food and hoping they eat them can get very messy - the tank fouls up quite quickly, filters gets...
  3. K

    Henlei pup #2

  4. K

    Arrowana with Discus?

    Here is a video taken last night - Discus with the RTG -
  5. K

    Video - Motoro Adult and Pup

    Here is the latest update video - The Pup unfortunately died last week after more than 2 months - still not sure why. Next time, I should get more mature rays that are used to feeding pellets/frozen food already.
  6. K

    Arrowana with Discus?

    Don't really know- - they were from relatives who had gave up on the hobby sometime ago. Just grabbed the bucket loads and ran with them - : ).
  7. K

    Arrowana with Discus?

    Here is what I have at the moment -
  8. K

    Arrowana with Discus?

    I am actually trying this out at the moment - more than a week now. The Discus (8-10 of them) are in the tank with my first RTG and all doing fine. This RTG has a personality that is a lot milder. I would not put them together with my other RTG as it is a lot more aggressive. It would be...
  9. K

    Suggestions for improving this site?

    Suggestion - Have a Grow up contest? - i.e. IT Datnoids? FF? or other Aro possible tank mates ?
  10. K

    new BD pup

    Must be something in your Ontario water that is making your females so fertile? Just happening to Rays? - : )
  11. K

    Breeding Consortium - Has this been tried before?

    Not sure if you have been to this site - Apparently, this is the top Arowana, Flowerhorn, Stingray, etc - Hobby Site in the Philippines. Check it out - lots of interesting topics. Cartimar is for more for those who just started or the day-to-day pet hobbyist...
  12. K

    Breeding Consortium - Has this been tried before?

    In Asia (Philippines anyway) - Tiger Stingrays are in higher demand than Leopoldi Stingrays. Females are more expensive than Males. These types I think - Sample Pricing -...
  13. K

    Breeding Consortium - Has this been tried before?

    The idea came up when we saw a few guys selling Proven breeding pairs of Top Quality Discus in BCAquaria - but they tend to have more frys than Rays would have Pups to go around - : ). With a little group effort and investment - it could be a win-win for everyone! - : ).
  14. K

    Breeding Consortium - Has this been tried before?

    Has any group been formed in the past to invest and share the pups/off-springs? We have a lot of experts in the forum who has bred rays repeatedly. And most likely quite a few people who would love to have top quality rays but cannot afford the full retail price. Do you think there would...
  15. K

    Video - Motoro Adult and Pup

    Bought a new driftwood for the ray to slide under whenever the Aro annoys her. I think the Aro had nibbled a few bites from her disc. A bit noisy background from the DIY overflow pipe - it sounds like that at times . . .
  16. K

    Video of my Rays

    Very nice ! The Jaws Movie Theme as it moved towards the Camera will add suspense - : ) - !
  17. K

    Worm Factory 360 - anyone tried these?

    BTW - from the very helpful tips here - I was able to order from - Bulk Canadian Nightcrawlers - live bait, fishing worms, pet feed - around 500 of them - for $49.99 +$15 = USD 64.99. Ends up to be around $70 CND delivered anywhere in Canada...
  18. K

    new BD pup

    BTW - from the very helpful tips here - I was able to order from - Bulk Canadian Nightcrawlers - live bait, fishing worms, pet feed - around 500 of them - for $49.99 +$15 = USD 64.99. Ends up to be around $70 CND delivered anywhere in Canada...
  19. K

    new BD pup

  20. K

    BD's/P14's ???????

    This the going rate ? -