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  1. M

    Preparing to install a 535 gallon tank into my basement

    I like the frontosa idea :).
  2. M

    10" Tiger ray

    Very nice and healthy Menchacai.
  3. M

    Water chiller

    Yup, that would work.
  4. M

    Water chiller

    Easiest thing to do, if you do it religiously is ICE CUBES. :) You don't need a reefer's chiller. Give me a couple days to come over and check the pump model. Once you figure out the energy output of the pump you know the kind of chiller you need, but you don't need a 3k one for sure :)...
  5. M

    just ran into this

    It's not me :)
  6. M

    Water chiller

    x2 ...yup, reefers are the ones that use chillers the most.
  7. M

    New all in 1 tank?

    Oh it's good. If it justifies the expense, then why not.
  8. M

    Water chiller

    If you have heaters going... cut those first :). During the summer I usually did not use any heaters. To answer your question, not really sure which brand is worth the money.
  9. M

    Baby ST

    Baby, eh?!? Nice one Richard.
  10. M

    HellO all!

    Haven't we all done it at one point or another ...I know I still do, so why would you care anyway :) Welcome.
  11. M

    who's got Black rays here?

    You are a hobbyist, Oliver is a businessman :) ...sorry, just being cheeky today. Good luck with the rays. Get yourself set up with the start up food first, and then buy your rays.
  12. M

    Aro jumped

    That's like a kid "Look daddy, no hands!" ...:D Glad it ended up well.
  13. M

    Sometimes you get what you wish for!!

    Awesome markings :)
  14. M

    Gold heads - The Full Helmet

    *grabs some popcorn and waits*
  15. M

    who's got Black rays here?

    If you have the money for P14s there's definitely places one can buy some ...not so sure about the ban, I've seen large pieces coming out of Brazil ;)
  16. M

    Eheim Pro 3 2080

    x2 ....
  17. M

    who's got Black rays here?

    I'd go with Oliver. I can bring wilds for a little under that price, but not really worth the trouble. He's rays are stable and eating well. Frank and Nicos prices are high, but their husbandry is amazing. There's also Mike from ..he's got the best pieces in North America...
  18. M

    Can find a P13 Eclipse stingray ....

    Is that some special Eclipse or Thousand Island P13?
  19. M

    I thought I scored a blue eyed pleco

    Very rare and nobody breeds them. L046 are being bred in captivity regularly, it's just they grow really slow and that still maintains a good price on them.
  20. M

    peacock bass

    The bottom one looks spectacular Gerry, my guess is it's a male.