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  1. goldenchild

    Which filter to plumb with UV STERILIZER?

    Hey guys! Happy Holidays! I've got myself a 220G glass tank. 5 ST/ITs and a bunch of Silver dollars in it. For filtration I'm running an EHEIM Classic 2260 and PRO2 (2228). Which Filter would be best for me to in-line my 13W Dophin UV Sterilizer with? Thanks in advance!
  2. goldenchild

    UV Sterilizer (In-line)

    just for algae... and hopefully crystal clear water. I want to get the pleco outta there.
  3. goldenchild

    UV Sterilizer (In-line)

    really?... define help. Would 2 make a diff or should i go high watts?
  4. goldenchild

    UV Sterilizer (In-line)

    I picked up a 13Watt UV-Sterilizer for my 220G. Is 13W enough? Thanks in advance for feedback.:)
  5. goldenchild

    Air pumps

    I got the Luft and forgot to up-date.... frickin amazing pump!
  6. goldenchild

    Just like to share a good link for an LFS in Japan. ENJOY THE BROWSING and don't foget your bibs.:D
  7. goldenchild

    Clown Loach Group

  8. goldenchild

    can someone please help me id my flowerhorn

    hit and miss with the 15$ ones. I've seen nice form on some once raised. Its up in the air ... nature vs. nurture. Feed it good food and I've heard a low PH is good for kok potential.
  9. goldenchild

    What's in your ST tank Filter system

    Whatis the PH of all your tanks guys? And are your Dats stable?
  10. goldenchild

    WTB - Dat and Clown loaches or....(Ottawa)

    I got 4 dats up... but only 6-8 inches
  11. goldenchild

    For Sale or Trade/ Datnoids 5 inches - 7 inches Montreal.

    Yeah thanks... need to make space for an Aro!
  12. goldenchild

    Fish stores in Montreal

    It sucks here. Only way to gey good stuff is by special order or the long ass drive to T.O.
  13. goldenchild

    For Sale or Trade/ Datnoids 5 inches - 7 inches Montreal.

    Up-date! I'll let the four of them go for 500 or 175 each
  14. goldenchild

    Moving with my fishes

    don't feed for 2-4 days before so it will be calmer/ less energy. Then try to use a wet towel to move it to your transport bin (like a hammock). I've seen this done for large fish on MFK.
  15. goldenchild

    Air pumps

    nice. great info guys... hopefully the Luft will strong enuff to get some crazy air out of my airstones.
  16. goldenchild

    Air pumps

    Thanks guys. Corvette, are those Luft Pumps noisy?
  17. goldenchild

    Siamese Tiger activity

    My tank looks like crap right now... brand new 220G and my fish just sit and hide. :(