Search results

  1. skynoch

    Lf female flower or tiger ray

    Still looking
  2. skynoch

    Lf female flower or tiger ray

    As the above mentions, also female pearl ray. The larger the better as they will be going in my 2200 with some other large rays. Will pay well or I have other rays I can trade
  3. skynoch

    Basa fillet for fish?

    Ya I feed it all the time. Seems real easy to get them eating it especially Rays. It is a bit oily and fatty so don't make this a staple food. I've been feeding for around 2 years and no problems yet.
  4. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    Ya I wish shipping was an option for me.
  5. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    Ray 1 and 6 is sold
  6. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    So the male in the 3rd picture is all that is left.
  7. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    Ray # 9 and 4 pending
  8. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    Male Henlie pending
  9. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    Ray #6 male is pending
  10. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    Female 1 and 2 are pending
  11. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    So the rays I thought may be Henlie x Pearl are pure Henlie just a smaller spot than I'm use to from this couple. All the females are sold so just the males are left
  12. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    I live in Drayton Valley, AB No shipping
  13. skynoch

    Castexi x Henlie pups for sale

    Ray #1 Female $500 pending Ray #2 Female $500 Ray #3 Male $350 Ray #4 Female $500 Ray #5 Female $500 Ray #6 Male $350 Ray #7 Female $500 Ray #8 Female has slight damage so I'm letting her heal for awhile Ray #9 Male $350
  14. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    I'll be in Airdrie on Saturday if anyone is looking for anything.
  15. skynoch

    Keeping the pups with the giants

    All my pup tanks are filled right now so when Mom (in the foreground) gave birth this time I was on holidays in Mexico and all the pups made a break into the main tank from a floating tank I had. I did lose two over the time I was there since I took my feedings down from when I was away but now...
  16. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    Ya these look promising between what the two parents look like. I want to keep alot of the pups lately for breeding purposes that I've had/have but I just dont seem to have the room anymore.
  17. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    I moved the Castexi/Henlie x Pearl pups yesterday so I snapped some pics while moving. The $350 female is sold and I dropped the males prices. Pic of the henlie x pearl pups to come and pearl father pic. Pic of the mom below. $400 female $250 male $250 male Mom
  18. skynoch

    ID Please and How much are they?

    The male is not king but very nice, all hybrid blood who is not a bad thing. Enjot
  19. skynoch

    ID Please and How much are they?

    I'm guessing the same but nothing with pure blood lines there. $600 is a good price as you would never get and raise pups for close to that price. Very nice Rays.
  20. skynoch

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    If someone wants more than one pup and are willing to drive to Drayton Valley Alberta for pickup instead of meeting then I could knock some cash off. Sorry no shipping