Search results

  1. Fishy

    Above Tank Sump

    Custom made 6ft long above tank glass sump with 4 compartments, lids, media and a 400GPH pump (easy to access and maintain than traditional under tank sump) The dimension is 72'" length, 6" width, and 8.5" high $120 Markham (14th Ave / McCowan)
  2. Fishy

    12" Indo Datnoids & Silver Dollars

    Selling a 12" Indo Datnoids, it eat pellets and it is fat and healthy. 4 bars on one side, the other side is 3 and a half bars, so the fish is not symmetrical. 60% stable. $45...
  3. Fishy

    12" CT

    12" Highforehead CT eat massivores $550 obo
  4. Fishy

    9" NTT datnoid fish

    Selling a 9" NTT Tiger datnoid, 100% stable and eat massivore delight pellets not in a hurry to sell! :) $180
  5. Fishy


    Selling Hikari Massivore Delite BNIB 1 bag 2.2lbs 2 bags 13.4oz all 3 bags for $100 Markham
  6. Fishy


    I made a few bucks off RIM, because of my CT sales... :D Kinda want to go back to datnoids again... lol! xD Just kidding! :p But I got some cool WC 3" -4" Satanoperca Daemon (2nd largest kind of Geophagus) that I wanted to let go! $10 each :) Markham
  7. Fishy

    CT, ST, L25

    I know I know, I just got them. But if I can get rid of them, I'd get an epic monster from a friend, else I'd be keeping them :D Best deal in 2013! xD 10" CT, 11" ST, 9" L25, 7" Albino Sailfin Pleco $1400 for all :D Markham, Ontario
  8. Fishy

    Albino Sailfin Pleco & NTT

    Selling a 7-8" Albino Sailfin Pleco (great cleaner) $30 two 4" NTT (got one from eddie yesterday, but my new tiger is stressing them out) both are on shrimps $50 each
  9. Fishy


    Selling a 11.5" NGT, it's peaceful with my other tiger but I have to make room for a new ST :o eating food sticks and shrimps $180 Markham :D
  10. Fishy

    Green Lantern?

    This is a green lantern bichir... neon green color Each day, the head is getting greener and greener, I am keeping my fingers crossed! :D
  11. Fishy

    lapradei bichir

    since I won't be able to get my money back from Ted and it hurts by looking at it I am selling it... 15" WC lapradei bichir $100 obo welcome fish trade too Markham
  12. Fishy


    Selling L190 pleco 9.5" - 10" $70 Markham, Ontario
  13. Fishy

    I am so happy!

    I guess I just wanted for someone who is experienced in datnoid to acknowledge my tiger is a D.pulcher Angus from Stones Aquarium said my tiger is a ST, (with my 2 provided pic) *So happy* with his comment! :D
  14. Fishy

    Odd bar CT

    7"ishl odd bar CT $180 Markham, Ontario
  15. Fishy

    Oddball CT

    My little Oddball CT (first 2 pic) Before start stating this is an Indo (please prove it and don't run away), and please look @ FunWow!'s oddball ST... :p :p :p mine have dual tail stripes on both side too! :D
  16. Fishy

    FS: 9" CT

    Selling a 9" CT, perfect health and feeding on Hikari Massivores Dual tail stripes $600 Toronto
  17. Fishy

    The Truth!

    IT, ST, CT or VT? I am getting mix answers from different websites across the world.. What is this datnoid to you??? :D I got it as CT, agree??? :eek:
  18. Fishy

    Hikari Massivore Delight

    I over stocked my massivore delight, so I am going to sell back out some at a low price Hikari Massivore Delight 13.4oz bag $29 each pm if interested Markham, Ontario
  19. Fishy

    FS datnoids

    Selling a group of 5 Datnoids.. 1- 10" Indo 1- 8" Indo 1- 8" Ngt 1- 4" Indo 1- 2" Indo $320 for all five, they are on pellets (Massivores), if interested please pm me thanks, (Toronto) :)
  20. Fishy

    FS: 10"-11" L234 pleco

    Selling a 10"-11" L234 pleco, fresh from the river! $200 :D