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  1. BlackBlade

    My Crimson Spartans: Maron and Alpheus

    Here's a little up date on how my two PeiFeng Aquatic Arowana Trading Farm Scarlet Fire Reds are doing...Maron and Alpheus Maron Alpheus
  2. BlackBlade

    My New SR: Tirion Fordring (The AshBringer)

    Enjoy my new SR. I named him after the World Of WarCraft Paladin, Tirion (The AshBringer) Enjoy :)
  3. BlackBlade

    Sorry Guys been away for far too long ...busy with the new job

    Hi guys...been offline for awhile...well here's what happend to my Red since then...Cheers: From: To:
  4. BlackBlade

    My Blue Base Cross Back

    PeiFeng Royal Brilliance Blue Base CrossBack: Sir Lancelot
  5. BlackBlade

    My Avalon Batch Updates

    PeiFeng Royal Brilliance: Avalon Batch Updated Enjoy Guys:D
  6. BlackBlade

    Crimson Obsession Updates

  7. BlackBlade

    Crimson Obsession Updates

    Enjoy :D
  8. BlackBlade

    Astinos: The Red Champion of Sprata

    "Today in history...all men would know that 300 stood against a tyrant's legions"....Named after the fallen Champion of Sparta...who fought the persian tyrant, Xerxes's Army...Behold ASTINOS AhwooAwhooAwhoo!!!:D This Is SPARTA!!!
  9. BlackBlade

    Crimson Obession: Wishes of Health and Wealth for Chinese New Year to all

    Here's Crimson Obsession, my SFSR wishing one and all a great new year's eve and a Healthy and Wealthy Year of the Golden OX ahead...enjoy:D Cheers:D
  10. BlackBlade

    My Scarlet Fire Red Series: Crimson Obsession

    Just a few pictures...2 weeks with me now Taken with flash: Without flash: Enjoy :)
  11. BlackBlade

    Crimson Obsession & The Hood

    Just to share some pictures of Crimson Obsession and The Hood...Cheers:D Yo! Watcha lookin at!:mad: Swimming with Tommy T:cool: Tommy T got wasted! I'm swim alone now Mr Red Flag the Flag Tail
  12. BlackBlade

    My Avalon Collection : PeiFeng Royal Brilliance

    Sharing some of my joy of PeiFeng Aquatic's Royal Brilliance:D The Charging Knights Cheers:)
  13. BlackBlade

    My New PeiFeng Scarlet Fire Red named Crimson Obsession at 6 inches

    Here's another picture of my New Peifeng Scarlet Fire Selection...presenting Crimson Obsession at 6 inches. Cheers :D