Search results

  1. goldenchild

    Giant Gourami - White - FREE Pickup only. Montreal

    Yeah... so I have a Giant Gourami. Used to be in a 220. He is now in a 150. If anybody is interested in adopting him. Let me know. I suggest a 220 tank or higher. He is not happy in my office tank. Hit me up to arrange something. First taker gets a shot at adopting my livestock from my...
  2. goldenchild

    Contemplating the adoption of a Giant Gourami.

    Contemplating the adoption of a Giant Gourami. It's fully grown and being given away for free. Its really nice, clean white color and flawless features. The problem is that Its HUGE. I have a 220G tank that houses an 8inch RTG, 8inch IT and a 4inch IT. My filtration is an FX5,EHEIM 2260 and a...
  3. goldenchild

    FX5 Group Buy?

    Anybody know of any Canadian group buys for the Fluval FX5? If so I would appreciate the info. Thanks in advance.
  4. goldenchild

    SHrimp or Prawn?

    Is there a difference between feeding my aro Prawns vs. Shrimp? I've noticed many people feeding aros MP "Market Prawn". I've been tossing in a few shrimp now and then.
  5. goldenchild

    Juvy RTG

    Here's my CV Maju RTG. Couple of months old at 6 inches. Still in the 50G grow-out.
  6. goldenchild

    LF: Fagtail Montreal

    Looking for a Flag Tail fish/Fei-Feng. Anything under 6 inches is great!
  7. goldenchild

    Phosban Reactor Help

    I'm not getting the fluidized movement in my reactor. 5 inches of Seachem Phosban and a Maxi-Jet 400. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any input.
  8. goldenchild

    Liquidating Live-stock

    Best offer or trade! Pick Up Only. -9 inch Indo-Tiger -2.5 inch Indo-Tiger -8 inch Polypterus senegalus -4 inch Gold Severum "NICE!" Looking for an FX5, Overflow system & Sump or any other Large Canister. Reason. New 5 inch RTG (Maju) and 1.5 inch Indo-Tiger. I want to raise these 2 fish and a...
  9. goldenchild

    FS or trade 1 Eight inch Indo Tiger. Montreal

    1 eye damaged from battle. Looking for: -Best Offer -Juvenile IT -2 Titanium heaters -Juvy Spotted Gar
  10. goldenchild

    Hikari Food Sticks and Massivore

    Hey guys... My Datnoids are on Azoo sticks right now and I'm thinking of moving to Hikari Sticks. Anybody have feedback to share? Also... does anybody have a source for Massivore Delight at a good price on-line? Its hard to find in Montreal and Expensive!!!
  11. goldenchild

    Which filter to plumb with UV STERILIZER?

    Hey guys! Happy Holidays! I've got myself a 220G glass tank. 5 ST/ITs and a bunch of Silver dollars in it. For filtration I'm running an EHEIM Classic 2260 and PRO2 (2228). Which Filter would be best for me to in-line my 13W Dophin UV Sterilizer with? Thanks in advance!
  12. goldenchild

    UV Sterilizer (In-line)

    I picked up a 13Watt UV-Sterilizer for my 220G. Is 13W enough? Thanks in advance for feedback.:)
  13. goldenchild

    Just like to share a good link for an LFS in Japan. ENJOY THE BROWSING and don't foget your bibs.:D
  14. goldenchild

    Air pumps

    I'd like to know what kind of Air pump would be needed to produce max bubbles on a tank about 3 ft. deep. I have these huge airstones but my air pump doesn't maximize the output from the stone. Thanks in advance!
  15. goldenchild

    2 Aquaclear 110 (75$ for both) obo Montreal

    2 Aquaclear 110 (75$) obo Montreal Just picked up an eheim 2260 so I need to get rid of some of my filtration. These HOB filters are great for moving water and easy maintenance. For aquariums up to 100 gallons167-500 gph (copy paste <--- maybe not 500gph :P) I use them to seed bio for other...
  16. goldenchild

    For Sale or Trade/ Datnoids 5 inches - 7 inches Montreal.

    I have 5 Datnoids 5 inches - 7 inches. I want to sell or trade 4 of them. Here are pics of them in the 90 gallon. All are in a 220G right now. I'm willing to trade for Big Tank Filtration or Tank mates. No shipping. -Fei Feng -Clown Loaches -Silver Dollars -Tinfoil Barbs -FX5...
  17. goldenchild

    Aro Killers

    My 5 Dats killed my Silver Aro. :(
  18. goldenchild

    What's in your ST tank Filter system

    Just wanted to see what everyone has in their filters for ST's in specific. Show pics of the result of your media combos on your Dats. :)
  19. goldenchild

    Siamese Tiger activity

    I noticed that my STs started swimming around the tank more when I introduced an Oscar into the tank. I've heard that having other tank mates that swim around the tank help the Dats be more comfy in the open spaces of the tank. Anybody have the same experiances?