747 Jumbo Loach Lift Off!!!


Active Member
Loach and masheer lift off lol



Lol looking at the title I thought you sell these guy and ship them out :). In this case scoop them out and let see how they land on the floor heheheh.
Mahseers are cool. Where can you get them? Need at least 3 at 8-10". Can they be kept with rays, aros, dats, PNT?
Yup masheers are awesome! I have 3 pcs coming in my june order. Same type as mine. Taiwanese masheers, spinibarbus hollandi. I keep my masheers with my aro, loach, dat, flagtail. I also kept masheers with rays before and they were fine together. Easy to feed. Mine are all on pellets. Thry also create a lot of movement in the tank. Very fun to watch.

The masheers that are coming are around 15cm. Any larger will have to be special request. Supplier has to send someone out to fish for them! Larger they are though the more expensive they are to ship. My guys came in at 17 inch and took an entire box each!
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