A good food to pump up your bichirs


A while back i was at a buddys place and saw the LARGEST and FATTEST endlicheris. For those of you who know, they rivaled the size of "Gustav".

Anyways, he feeds them whole "frozen goby" from T&T
Looks like this
I'd feed it pretty much the same thing as adults except in smaller sizes. If you can feed smaller portions a few times a day.

You can also raise the heat a little to increase its metabolism, good luck pumping him up!
I'd feed it pretty much the same thing as adults except in smaller sizes. If you can feed smaller portions a few times a day.

You can also raise the heat a little to increase its metabolism, good luck pumping him up!

I know it may sound redundant, but don't forget to add an air source in that case. Higher temperature means lower O2 concentration in the water and it pays off avoid useless accidents ...not to mention it would help with the metabolism increase ;)