A Shipment to Calgary, Canada in April, 2015


New Member
Dear all,
We are lucky to have CITES Canada to issue their CITES import permit in 6-7 weeks this time, so these fishes are able to go to our client in Calgary, Canada so soon. Fishes were selected by us as our client is too faraway to fly here for their selection.

So we have to pre-select these defects free fishes and wait patiently, with our fingers crossed esp. for the Indo Shelook Reds, that they do not fall sick or injured themselves while waiting for the Cites Canada to issue their permit. Thank God, all fishes are fine and certified fit to fly.

Do enjoy these newly taken pictures. Cheers!
Mrs Goh


A small shipment of 5 cartons, totalling 100kg, the minimum set by airlines for shipments to Canada.


A snapshot of Shelook Reds from the top.


A Shelook Red saying Goodbye to us ...


Top view of a 24K Gold Xback with thick golden lines on head.


The unmistakable AVA security seal.
Import pictures ...

Dear All,
With DFI's 20 years of export experience, needless to say, all our fishes have landed safely. Survival rate is 100%, otherwise, its 1 for 1 compensation (with proof of pictures of dead fishes cut into halves, and its microchip retrieved, along with its Certificate, sent back to us via Fedex or UPS, latest within 2-3 days after arrival of fishes).

Do enjoy these newly taken pictures, provided by courtesy of Mr Wayne Woo of Riverfront Aquariums, Calgary.

Many thanks for viewing.
Mrs Goh


Initial opening up of the carton boxes - KLM has obviously done a great job as all boxes are intact. Direct flight between Singapore and Calgary, via Amsterdam.


Wayne posing with bag of fish.


Wayne inspecting his beloved fishes ...


Wayne standing by his 5 cartons of Asian arowanas, exported by our farm, Dragon Fish Industry, Singapore.