Abbreviations common to aros


New Member
As Eken requested I'll make a sticky.

Asian aro:

SR: Super Red
XB: Cross Back or MG - Malaysian Golden
RTG: Red Tail Golden
BBXB: Blue Base Xback
VFSR: Violet Fusion Super Red


SW: Super Worm
MP: Market Prawn (aka Shrimp)
BH: Beef Heart
MW: Meal worms

Diseases and defects:

PA: Protruding Anus
PLJ: Protroding Lower Jaw
SBP: Swimming Bladder Problem
DE: Drop eye

Aro tankmates:

RTC: Red Tail Catfish
ST: Siamese Tiger
CT: Cambodian Tiger
IT: Indonesia Tiger
TSN: Tiger Shovel Nose
SD: Silver Dollar
PNT: Pig Nose Turtle
BP: Blood Parrot
FF - Fei Feng -> aka charming phoenix = semprochilodus taerarius

FW (as in FW Stingrays): Fresh Water
WC: Water change
RO - reverse osmosis
RODI - reverse osmosis de-ionization
HOB - hang on the back
Comm tank - Community tank (normally we tend to refer to community of arowanas)

Feel free to post on more abbreviations I'll add it to this list.
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As Eken requested I'll make a sticky.

Asian aro:

SR: Super Red
XB: Cross Back
RTG: Red Tail Golden
BBXB: Blue Base Xback
VFSR: Violet Fusion Super Red


SW: Super Worm
MP: Market Prawn (aka Shrimp)
BH: Beef Heart
MW: Meal worms

Diseases and defects:

PA: Protruding Anus
PLJ: Protroding Lower Jaw
SBP: Swimming Bladder Problem
DE: Drop eye

Aro tankmates:

RTC: Red Tail Catfish
ST: Siamese Tiger
CT: Cambodian Tiger
IT: Indonesia Tiger
TSN: Tiger Shovel Nose
SD: Silver Dollar
PNT: Pig Nose Turtle
BP: Blood Parrot

FW (as in FW Stingrays): Fresh Water
WC: Water change

Feel free to post on more abbreviations I'll add it to this list.

MG - Malaysian Golden :D
Comm tank - Community tank (normally we tend to refer to community of arowanas)

We prefer to call XBs as MGs
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As Eken requested I'll make a sticky.

Asian aro:

SR: Super Red
XB: Cross Back or MG - Malaysian Golden
RTG: Red Tail Golden
BBXB: Blue Base Xback
VFSR: Violet Fusion Super Red


SW: Super Worm
MP: Market Prawn (aka Shrimp)
BH: Beef Heart
MW: Meal worms

Diseases and defects:

PA: Protruding Anus
PLJ: Protroding Lower Jaw
SBP: Swimming Bladder Problem
DE: Drop eye

Aro tankmates:

RTC: Red Tail Catfish
ST: Siamese Tiger
CT: Cambodian Tiger
IT: Indonesia Tiger
TSN: Tiger Shovel Nose
SD: Silver Dollar
PNT: Pig Nose Turtle
BP: Blood Parrot
FF - Fei Feng -> aka charming phoenix = semprochilodus taerarius

FW (as in FW Stingrays): Fresh Water
WC: Water change
RO - reverse osmosis
RODI - reverse osmosis de-ionization
HOB - hang on the back
Comm tank - Community tank (normally we tend to refer to community of arowanas)

Feel free to post on more abbreviations I'll add it to this list.

CC = Coral Chip
BW = Black Water
IMHO = In My Honest Opinion
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