from regina ,sk. Ca


New Member
hey everyone! My name is Mark. Been into fish for a long time now, im running a 600gallon, a 500gallon pond/pool, 180, 75 and a 55gal. main stock for main tank is 2 BDx Rays, 10 Clown loaches from 11" to 4" ,9" red flag tail, 5 STR catfish 5"-9", 10" BGK, 7" Indo dat ,but as for my pond! its 26" TSN 19"RTC 2x 21" ripsaws, 12"RTCxTSN, 12" Congo giraffe 17" archa cat ,and in a smaller tank i have 5 ocell P.bass growing out and a Tiretrack eel!!!,Im glad im finally involed in your guys wounderful site here as im planning on a purchase of a RTG very soon! so im hoping i can learn a few thinga from all the great members here on this community site!!:)


Arowana blogger
Welcome Mark. It sounds like you will fit right in. :) This place is a pretty good club/fourm for people looking to learn and share information I think. Any chance you can post some photos of your aquariums and set ups?

New Member
Hi Mark welcome to the forum!

Are you Omer's Friend?

He told me that he gave someone a large TSN I am thinking it may be you. Also Omer told me he was selling his fish stock over the summer and was selling a red flagtail and I see you have one listed. I wanted to buy that guy off him but he said he promised it to another guy.

Anyway I am Brad from Prince Albert.


New Member
hey brad ya i know omer! i did buy that flag tail off of him, but my tsn ive had for 2 years now got him from a different guy when it was alot smaller!