My Sad experience with RTG


Well I just joined the Arowanaclub, lots of good info. However I have a sad story and valuable learning lesson.

About a year ago I purchased a RTG from a local importer he was a shy dragonfish, fed him shrimp in the winter and field grasshoppers in the summer (he loved the grashoppers). He grew about 3 additional inches from 6 inches and started developing nice blue tint color on the edges of his scales. His tank mate was a Silver arowana, surprisingly they both got along well, no fighting.

Three months ago in the middle of the night my wife heard water dripping. My worst nightmare, the tank had sprung a leak. My wife suggested I put both in my 30gal Discus tank, but I paniced and thought they would kill my Discus.

So I put each in its own plastic bag, and in the morning found both dead.:(

My lesson learned is that potentially sacrificing an $80 fish is worth saving an $800 fish.

Next I'm hoping to get in on the last group order and get a Xback and SR.
Very sad to hear that. Was it a used tank?

On top of that, I would suggest that it's nice to keep a set of backup accessories handy. ie Spare tank / large (3-4 feet long) rubbermaid (clothes) container (as a temporary tank) / air pump / and especially heater. it's very tough to find a heater in the middle of the winter with fish stores are all closed.

Plus a divider of your tank size. If you have enough rocks, you could pile them up as a divider, if necessary.

Next time, think about acrylic tank.

Hey, for the group order, i thought Kenta and/or Theo are saying that it's almost over, right?
Well I just joined the Arowanaclub, lots of good info. However I have a sad story and valuable learning lesson.

About a year ago I purchased a RTG from a local importer he was a shy dragonfish, fed him shrimp in the winter and field grasshoppers in the summer (he loved the grashoppers). He grew about 3 additional inches from 6 inches and started developing nice blue tint color on the edges of his scales. His tank mate was a Silver arowana, surprisingly they both got along well, no fighting.

Three months ago in the middle of the night my wife heard water dripping. My worst nightmare, the tank had sprung a leak. My wife suggested I put both in my 30gal Discus tank, but I paniced and thought they would kill my Discus.

So I put each in its own plastic bag, and in the morning found both dead.:(

My lesson learned is that potentially sacrificing an $80 fish is worth saving an $800 fish.

Next I'm hoping to get in on the last group order and get a Xback and SR.

very sad to hear that......sorry bro..
Yes EEYY it was a used 90 gal tank over 20 years, however I re-siliconed it but I think a hairline crack was the cause.

Theo says there will be one more group order when he comes back in July.
Yes EEYY it was a used 90 gal tank over 20 years, however I re-siliconed it but I think a hairline crack was the cause.

Theo says there will be one more group order when he comes back in July.

Yes indeed, the order wraps up when I arrive back in Canada in July. I want to time it so the fish arrive in mid July, so the order must be placed in May (about one month from now).

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I once had a 10 inch true ST Pulcher in a 55gallon tank. My son cracked the glass with a hammer (he was three) and I found the fish living on its side in two inches of water! It had been like that for hours when I got to him. Miraculously he pulled through and went on to be traded to another forum member on this board... :)

Hope to see you in the next/last group order! :)