Well I just joined the Arowanaclub, lots of good info. However I have a sad story and valuable learning lesson.
About a year ago I purchased a RTG from a local importer he was a shy dragonfish, fed him shrimp in the winter and field grasshoppers in the summer (he loved the grashoppers). He grew about 3 additional inches from 6 inches and started developing nice blue tint color on the edges of his scales. His tank mate was a Silver arowana, surprisingly they both got along well, no fighting.
Three months ago in the middle of the night my wife heard water dripping. My worst nightmare, the tank had sprung a leak. My wife suggested I put both in my 30gal Discus tank, but I paniced and thought they would kill my Discus.
So I put each in its own plastic bag, and in the morning found both dead.
My lesson learned is that potentially sacrificing an $80 fish is worth saving an $800 fish.
Next I'm hoping to get in on the last group order and get a Xback and SR.
About a year ago I purchased a RTG from a local importer he was a shy dragonfish, fed him shrimp in the winter and field grasshoppers in the summer (he loved the grashoppers). He grew about 3 additional inches from 6 inches and started developing nice blue tint color on the edges of his scales. His tank mate was a Silver arowana, surprisingly they both got along well, no fighting.
Three months ago in the middle of the night my wife heard water dripping. My worst nightmare, the tank had sprung a leak. My wife suggested I put both in my 30gal Discus tank, but I paniced and thought they would kill my Discus.
So I put each in its own plastic bag, and in the morning found both dead.

My lesson learned is that potentially sacrificing an $80 fish is worth saving an $800 fish.
Next I'm hoping to get in on the last group order and get a Xback and SR.