New Shipment to Montreal in 6 weeks time


New Member
Dear all,
Against all odds, we were able to secure an order to Montreal. This shipment of Bahari Reds, Citra Reds and DFI 24K Gold Xbacks would arrive in about 6 weeks time from today because the Singapore CITES export permits will be ready on 29th May.

As such, any keen parties wanting to buy any of the above mentioned fishes at a very good price, please email us for the importer's contact details.

Lastly, we are still looking for Canadian importers for Cahaya Reds & DFI Xbacks ...

Many thanks for the trust & kind support.
Mrs Goh
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Latest pictures of the New Cahaya Reds shipment

Dear all,
These actual Spoon Head Cahayas are going to C328, a petshop in Singapore tomorrow. See their quality first hand here! We are now looking for distributors in Canada for these new Cahayas.

Thanks in advance for the support.
Mrs Goh


Most obvious Spoon Head Cahaya with good colouration, 8 inches.


Another Spoon Head Cahaya with larger 3 back fins, also 8 inches.
Promotion will end in 2 weeks time

Dear all
As mentioned in our earlier posts, the low price of these 8-9 inch Indo Reds at S$5XX each (Singapore dollars) will end mid June 2015. Therafter, their prices will be increased slightly to s$6XX each due to their larger sizes of 9-10 inches.

Taking this opportunity, we would be glad to extend our warmest welcome to our old friend, Mr Wayne Woo of Riverfront Aquariums as well as Mr Pangiwaran of Cahaya Farm to our DFI farm this weekend.

Hence, do Lookout for some new photo update of their visits soon.

Mrs Goh
Picture as promised

Dear All,
Our old friend, Mr Wayne Woo (left most) of the Riverfront Aquariums fame in Calgary, Alberta, has visited our farm yesterday, on the 29th May. In his small entourage is his son (standing) and two friends (who happened to be DFI supporters, too!).

While at our farm, Mr Wayne has even has the rare opportunity to shake hands with Mr Pangiwaran, boss of the Cahaya Fish Farm, Pontianak, Indonesia. However, we were too busy serving our guests so much so that we had forgotten to take pictures of Mr Pangiwaran - apologise for this, really.

Thanks for reading.
Mrs Goh

Thanks, Cirrus, for finding back this thread

Hi Cirrus,
Thanks for finding back this thread. For whatever reason this thread has gone missing once, is not important anymore.

Appreciate your kind assistance.
Mrs Goh
New shipment arriving Montreal

Dear all
We are happy to announce that our Montreal importer has received his Cites import permits sooner than expected .. And so we have arranged for his shipment to arrive in Montreal on the 8th July, Wednesday.

All the best to our importer's supportive clients - many thanks for all of your kind support!

And due to all of your support, a second shipment of 24K Gold Xbacks would arrive in about 6 weeks from now. Cheers!

Mrs Goh