tank mates i have.

its actually odd sized its 72"x24"x28 1/2" like a 210 gallon but i think it was custom biult for someone with black silicon and starfire glass. When th sold it to me they just sold it as a plain 200 gal for $600 bucks. Theys loading it noticed the glass but said it was to late to worry about it lucky eh! I want a 72"x 36"x24" for my next tank.
Wow, nice fish in your tank. High bioload for your rays (who like clean water). I'd guess you have to do frequent water changes?
I think any aro tank thats 422, 522 and so on its gonna be a bit customized though, because the standard is just 1.5 (18") wide instead of the 2 (24") wide. When I bought my tank at BA's (really expensive and I didn't know any better b4) thought was perfect for my aro since its a 4ft tank, didn't think that 18" matter that much. Well hopefully everyone would learn my lesson.
ya i did for a while but i find everything just alittle more calm and there's 2 16" fire eels that live under there with 2 smaller datnoids. Oh and for the bio load 25% water changes 3-4 times a week. I also am running 2 Fx5's ,2 seio power heads, a uv sterilizer with pre filter and a fluidized bed filter from lifegaurd.
I did that when I started with my silver at the begining. Actually I did WC every day for my silver. But now..............
I think any aro tank thats 422, 522 and so on its gonna be a bit customized though, because the standard is just 1.5 (18") wide instead of the 2 (24") wide. When I bought my tank at BA's (really expensive and I didn't know any better b4) thought was perfect for my aro since its a 4ft tank, didn't think that 18" matter that much. Well hopefully everyone would learn my lesson.

I'm thinking of using an 8 foot tank that's about 24' deep.... is this satisfactory?
Depth is not that important. Width should be at least 24" for the aro to be comfortable. But I think 24" width should be standard on a 8' tank.