Thai Silk Flowerhorn vid


Super Moderator
found this on a flowerhorn site. i'd love to find some of these

and for kicks the new electric blue german blue ram

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Why hard to find top quality here in Canada? Because you have to pay relatively big money to get one. Wholesale in Asia for really nice, cutting edge FH or RT is around $100 US for a 2-3 inch juvie. More expensive if you want larger size. Prices come down if you buy in quantity, but still, these are not cheap fish.

However, I've noticed the quality of FH in Vancouver LFS is going up while the prices are going down, so maybe it is just a matter of time till the "good stuff" makes it your way. :)
Why hard to find top quality here in Canada? Because you have to pay relatively big money to get one. Wholesale in Asia for really nice, cutting edge FH or RT is around $100 US for a 2-3 inch juvie. More expensive if you want larger size. Prices come down if you buy in quantity, but still, these are not cheap fish.

However, I've noticed the quality of FH in Vancouver LFS is going up while the prices are going down, so maybe it is just a matter of time till the "good stuff" makes it your way. :)

I've noticed alot of quality fry becoming available thru the states at very nice prices. I hope it won't be long until that trend comes up this way. Some breeders are offering Thai silk fry for around $40usd and as little as $20 in quantities.