Tips on changing diet


New Member
I just got my aro on Friday and all hes eatten is half a meal worm.I've been tring to get him on shrimp but he won't go for it, I tie the shrimp on a string and let it float, vs sinking if I don't tie it to the top. Getting kinda worried cuz he hasn't eaten in 4 days. I no some aros
don't eat for week when introduced into a new home. Is there sumthing I should no to make it easier.
Thx guys
when they are juvies...just feed them whatever they will eat....wait til it gets more stable and bigger before you try to change diet....what you can do is almost trick them...feed SW...but every once in while throw a piece of shrimp in also during feeding....or you can get tank mates that will eat shrimp...and most of the time the aro will see that they are eating it..know its food and will compete to eat the same thing....
Agree with peacockbass.
till the Aro is adjusted to his new home, feed him with what he has eaten in the past.
I got my RTG in Aug 2009 and he ate nothing by super worms. no shrimp, no aro sticks, nothing at all,
when he adjusted to the tank, I introduced shrimps, maybe even 5+ days and he would not eat, but eventually he started to eat a little shrimp,
which now I stuff with aro sticks or hikari massivore. some times he would chew and get the pellets and eat the shrimp, picky bugger. It has taken me also most a year to get to this stage.
If your fish is still fairly young, I would start now with this tarining.
When older much more difficult.
Patience is the key, Chris, especially with young aros in a new home. I'd take the advice of the guys above and avoid market prawn until you've got him eating. IME, nothing tempts better than mealworms/SW. Don't get discouraged if it takes some time-- I've had new aros take weeks to eat. Eventually, they all cave in.
Has anyone tried feeding aros Red worms (or called red wigglers) that are used allot for composting now?

I was thinking of starting a composting bin with some worms.
earth worms are a good source of protein....but with any live foods, could turn your aro into a picky eater...also keep in mind where the worms are coming could be potentially feeding your aro worms that come from fields in which pesticides are used..