Water Changes...


New Member
for me with water changes i dump the water out then dose the whole tank with seachem prime then fill the tank back up from the tap

the temp does drop abit from 86 down to 78 in the winter and 86 down to 84 in the summer

never had any problems and the rays used to breed as the new water was added

no matter how good your filteration is you will still get high nitrates and the only efective way to remove them is water changes

Yes.... I fully agree with this statement. you can get the nitrtates and ammonia down to 0% without water changes.


New Member
well eken i dont have a big comm no more i just have 3 left with your rays and indo. I sold my fusion and sr the guy want it so bad and he paid high too.
t1 thanks for the advice. cause i have 0 ammonia or nitrite, but seeing my nitate at 20mg kind of make me worry for my fishes. As for water here in Montreal its really bad so to me I still think i need an RO filter.


Super Moderator
well eken i dont have a big comm no more i just have 3 left with your rays and indo. I sold my fusion and sr the guy want it so bad and he paid high too.

You should have stop before that part. Then you would have sound like a nice guy, now you just sound like a businessman... :)


New Member
nohe was a friend/ customer kept on coming over to my house and look he wanted them so bad so. What i sold it to him for i buy beer and food for when he comes over. same thing. its just that i dont have to pull out money from my own pocket all the time.


New Member
Well best solution for not having high nitrate is to... not keep a big comm. :D

true 1 aro and nothing else but that would be boring :D

nah this is the 1st aro com i have done so im a newbie :D

its hard work but worth it i feel

i got my rays to breed with 7 x 12inch siamese tigers in the same tank and a 22inch tigrinuse cat the rays must have been happy or they wouldnt have bred twice with a 20inch red spendour xback

the filtration at the time was

2 x pro3 2080s
2 x eheim 2252s 1200 lph each
2 x blagoon pond bucket filter as pre filters for the pro3s
2 x 25w UV
1 x shuran sand filter
1 x shuran nitrate reactor



New Member
wow. thats a lot of filtration. How big is your tank?
does the nitrate reactor help reduce nitrate.

the tank is 350 usgal 1400 liters

the nitrate reactor maybe alot better if you feed it with alchol i just didnt have the time to do that so i run it with sulpha beads which made the ph drop so i then had to add a nother reactor to buff the ph

dont waste you money the shuran one i had was us$600

the aquamedic nr1000 is ment to be ok and that runs on something called deniballs

the flow rate on any nitrate reactor is very slow 1 drop per sec