Cold or warm water for drip?


Super Moderator
For those running their auto drip/water changer system, are you tapped into only the cold water through you filter or are you running both hot and cold?
i think cold water is fine, if you doing 50% water change weekly then you only need to 225gallon/7days, which is only 30-33gallon per day and thats 30gallon in 24 hrs.


New Member
I am running cold as well, it is safer to run cold then hot because if its get cold the tank heater can heat it up but if you run warm your tank might get over heat. Beside my pump and light is enough to heat up the tank as well.


Super Moderator
ok....great.....I just have to find out how much cold water flow i need for the filter to figure out what mods i have to do to my cold water copper pipe. Was at Canadian Tire yesterday and found a quick and easy way to connect my cold water copper to the filter similar to how this filter is's just a clamp that has a self tapping bit that goes right into the copper...similar to how my humidifier gets its cold water so I don't need to hire a plumber to put in a tap for me...hope this is sufficient to get the water through the filter and into my tank...I'll be looking at changing approx. 500-600gals of water per week.


Gas is under 4 bucks Electricity is expensive when you are running a large tank so say your 1000 watt heater never has to come on???

Run hot and cold


Super Moderator
I've had the luck that I've never had to use my 2 brand new titanium heaters. The heat that is generated from my external Reeflo pumps heats my tank to 87-89!.....thats only with one of my pumps running.....


New Member
ok....great.....I just have to find out how much cold water flow i need for the filter to figure out what mods i have to do to my cold water copper pipe. Was at Canadian Tire yesterday and found a quick and easy way to connect my cold water copper to the filter similar to how this filter is's just a clamp that has a self tapping bit that goes right into the copper...similar to how my humidifier gets its cold water so I don't need to hire a plumber to put in a tap for me...hope this is sufficient to get the water through the filter and into my tank...I'll be looking at changing approx. 500-600gals of water per week.

wow 500-600G a week that is more then your main tank. You'll need lots of carbon filter if you want that much water change. I still think you need to bring the water pressure down to 25psi so it will not burst your connection.


I ran cold water. Running cold is not enough to change the tanks temp, but enough to make your heaters work a little harder... I use to drip 3-4gph


I run hot and cold and gas is way cheaper than electricity out here. I usually look at having 100% waterchangeout for the week and set my drip at that. It is nice to have both at least when ray keeping due to the fact if a ray gives birth you need to do a big changeout so I just up my drip for a while. Now that it is winter remember your incoming water is alot colder than it was. There is no real danger of overheating a tank as even when running the coldwater all day my drip only went up from 81 to 84 and that was running the wash machine and sprinkler. There is probably more dangers with running heaters than the drip due to current potentiel in the water, heater malfunction or controller malfunction.


Super Moderator
Yeah...I'll probably look at changing approx. 450-500gal per week. I think just running cold is fine for me as mentioned i don't use a heater and only one of my two pumps on my sump and water is generally between if running the cold water brings the temp down slightly it won't be a bad thing.....I just have to figure out how much psi is generated from tapping into the existing cold water copper with the self taping connector through the filter and then into the tank. If I mount the filter fairly close to the underside of my basement ceiling it's a 10-12 foot rise to the top of the tank so it's not a be deal I guess...


New Member
Im just going to toss this out here on your post chen :)
How much is too much new water daily???? If you have hard alkyline water is this going to be much of a problem or will they adapt to that kind of new flow?


New Member
Jeez bro, thats alot of water :) Im still to scared to swap out my 1gph nipple for a 5 lol.....
If it works i would love to turn mine up


Super Moderator
well....i do wc every 3 days and 40-45% each time...which amounts to 500gal it should be good...really want to get this going but work gets me so tired that I come home and really don't want to do anything other then my wc when i need too...


Super Moderator
also I add slightly over the recommended dose of Seachem Prime and salt...and one a month I add some stability. Always add stability and or Stress Coat when adding new fish...