Recent content by xenon240

  1. xenon240

    Im baaaaaack :)

    Welcome back Mel.....looking forward to helping you populate that comms :)
  2. xenon240

    Dreamfish Super Reds

    Grow Out of 90% GH XB Premium Here are pictures of a 90% GH XB from arrival to just over a year old that I sold recently.
  3. xenon240

    Pictures of latest Dreamfish order Dec 2014

    Dropbox link to photos
  4. xenon240

    Pictures of latest Dreamfish order Dec 2014

    Merlion Harmony Ultimate, Prestige XBHB, Merlion Red, Prestige Red
  5. xenon240

    First Dreamfish

    Finally had a chance to look at your pics. Very nice Matt, I'm almost regretting selling it to you:D Even with the enhanced lighting the scale color is very impressive.
  6. xenon240

    Selling 90% GH Plus Merlion Ultimate Royal GH

    Thanks, the Merlion is turning into a very nice Aro, it will be difficult to see her go.
  7. xenon240

    Selling 90% GH Plus Merlion Ultimate Royal GH

    These originally were my keepers but decided to sell them. PM me if interested. Merlion Ultimate GH - $3100 plus shipping. Almost 13 inches 8 months. Eats Hakari food sticks. Prestige Premium XB 90% GH - $1900 plus shipping. 12 inches 6 months. Eats anything, primarily food sticks...
  8. xenon240

    Pellet training on Arrows

    here are my tips for getting AROs trained on pellets: - best not to have other tank mates that will eat the pellets - give only 1-2 pellets, each day, continue for up to two weeks, feeding at the same time each day - if it spits out the pellets do not put more in. The idea is to get him to...
  9. xenon240

    First Dreamfish

    nic pics Kyuss I'm still baby sitting another Red for customer, his eyes are crystal clear, yours was in the same tank as this one, so I think it might have been from bagging. I place bag in tank and coax fish to swim into bag, but your guy was trying his best to avoid bag and might have...
  10. xenon240

    Fall 2013 order

    More pictures of HBRTG and Merlion Royal
  11. xenon240

    Asian arowana in India?

    I concur, definitely SA Silver.
  12. xenon240

    Fall 2013 order

    As promised here are some pics, they are of Premium Reds, Merlion Royal, Gold Premium (HBRTG), XB (RedGold).See if you can tell which is which;)
  13. xenon240

    Fall 2013 order

    Matt you will be impressed with your Premium Red large size.
  14. xenon240

    Fall 2013 order

    customer of mine picked up his XB (RedGold), we had to look at the cert twice because it almost looked like the Merlion Ultimate that was in my order. Customer was extremely happy. Even the Premium Gold had shine right up to 6th level. Will also post pictures tomorrow.
  15. xenon240

    More scams, warning to USA aro keepers

    They just won't go away, I get about a couple of emails/calls from US citizens asking if I can ship Aros to the USA. I tell them no one in Canada will Ship Aros into the US. Some of them are so desperate they are willing to drive into Canada and smuggle one across the border.