First Dreamfish


My first prestige premium red from Dreamfish. Just got him about 3 hours ago.


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Sorry....just figured out how to do this uploading thing. Not exactly computer smart. Still might have done it too Mr. Lee for making it a very easy process. My son has named Rojo Hulk...he is
very nice, i hope that is not cloud eye developing on its eye...mine caught cloud eye...

when i got him he had this super thin film on his eye that was falling off. It was covering about half his eye, real thin and kind of stringy when he was in the bag. It fell off once he was swimming around and in my tank. Then just like you see in his right eye its a little cloudy. I think he didn't like the shipping to much and rubbed his eye on the bag jumping(like jumping up and rubbing it on a dry section of the bag and scracthing his protective covering on his eye?)or something. Mr.Lee said that he didn't have anything on his eye before shipping, so i assumed it was from shipping. I will see how it looks today and hope for improvement. Other then that i can't wait for Hulk to get bigger :)
I think just give it sometime it will recover, you got any video of it. Love to see its posture. Thx
nic pics Kyuss

I'm still baby sitting another Red for customer, his eyes are crystal clear, yours was in the same tank as this one, so I think it might have been from bagging. I place bag in tank and coax fish to swim into bag, but your guy was trying his best to avoid bag and might have grazed his eye along the bag.

As Bank says keep an eye (:D) on the progress. It wouldn't hurt to hike up the temp a bit 82-83.
I'd increase the temp to 30 C (86F). Do 20% water change every 2-3 days for a week or two. Add a tablespoon of aquarium salt per every 10 gallons of water. It should clear up.

Beautiful photos Kyuss!
nic pics Kyuss

I'm still baby sitting another Red for customer, his eyes are crystal clear, yours was in the same tank as this one, so I think it might have been from bagging. I place bag in tank and coax fish to swim into bag, but your guy was trying his best to avoid bag and might have grazed his eye along the bag.

As Bank says keep an eye (:D) on the progress. It wouldn't hurt to hike up the temp a bit 82-83.

Thanks.....I agree...i checked him yesterday morning before work and had cleared up considerably...hoping for the same result today...will check out Hulk when the light comes on....still hasn't eaten yet...although really interested in the sticks yesterday....just think my other fish either beat him to them or just startled him into not eating them....maybe today is the day
I'd increase the temp to 30 C (86F). Do 20% water change every 2-3 days for a week or two. Add a tablespoon of aquarium salt per every 10 gallons of water. It should clear up.

Beautiful photos Kyuss!

Thanks for the info...that remedy also sounds like how you treat ich was a lot better yesterday....if it has worsened today or hasn't improved, i will start on that regiment for sure? I was hoping that he would start eating before i was to do any temperature change....I've only had him for 1 1/2....
What does it say??? I usually just take the video on my phone and upload it from there
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I did the video with an ipad. But still under the 95 mb for avi for upload.