Search results

  1. D

    New arrival of black Diamonds, P14 and Royal P14 Stingrays

    Nice rays and bass. Where did you get your bass from?
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    New rays P Hystrix

    Really nice. That was quick. Where did you find them?
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    BD Pup

    Glad you haven't had many still born. If someone wants black ray pups they have an obvious place to go in Ontario. Nice work. Would love some in the future but right now I only have room for plecos.
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    BD Pup

    Congrats on the healthy pups. Is it common to have a still born or is there another explanation?
  5. D

    Merlion Harmony BBXB eating pellets

    Really nice!
  6. D

    250 DD Silver Aro and friends

    No pic coming up for me
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    LF:tank bigger then 230gallons

    No just the tank. Didn't realize you were out west. That special I know happens in Ontario. Anyway goodluc
  8. D

    LF:tank bigger then 230gallons

    Boxing day is pretty soon and big als will sell the Marineland 300 gallons for 1599 plus tax. They are 6x3x2
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    More than one arowana - one tank?!

    Why do you not mention 6 or 8? I've been reading about groups of peacock bass and people also recommend odd numbers? Why is that..
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    LF: Leo stingray

    Aquatic kingdom Mississauga is supposed to get an order of stingrays in on Friday. Worth calling them this weekend and see if they have any. Gl
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    New Bds

    They look great. Where are they from?
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    Is he a Marble Moto?

    He looks great congrats. How is the feeding going? Does he eat everything you throw in there?
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    New batch of BD Pups Oct 1/14

    Congrats. Way to go. Did you do a large water change after the birth?
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    Is he a Marble Moto?

    How big is he and where did you get him? Some marbles have very distinct patterns, I'm not am expert so I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction. Hopefully as he matures the patterns will develop more
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    LF: 2.2lbs massivore

    Good luck getting your money back. Never nice getting ripped off
  16. D

    New project! Help appreciated.

    I know you can have any glass shop cut the pieces you need. Not sure if acrylic would be better or cheaper unless you have it on hand
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    BD Pup - Sept 2014 Update

    Are you worried about the larger rays biting the smaller ones?
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    BD Pup - Sept 2014 Update

    They look awesome. That's a lot of stingrays :)
  19. D

    New project! Help appreciated.

    The k1 should be a really good bio media. Are you going to have a filter sock? Regilar water changes keep the nitrates down
  20. D

    Egg time anyone

    Very cool, congrats and good luck with the eggs