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  1. D

    Black arowana

    Yeah that's what I was assuming. Thanks for advice
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    Black arowana

    So I have the chance to buy some tiny black aros. I know they grow fast, how long till they would need greater than a 6 by 2 ? Do asian aros hate SA aros as much as they do Asians in a one on one situation? What I am trying to say is can I grow out this black and have any hope of it getting...
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    Just WOW

    Must be a scary tank to feed! Why don't I know anyone with a setup like that
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    200 Gallon Black Arowana & Tank Mates

    Well my main issue is door size and my basement makes it impossible to get a large tank downstairs. New house has walk out basement and double doors will be able to put any tank down there
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    6 wc red hook silver dollars edmonton

    Not sold. Stood up. Up for grabs. I will take 50 for all 6
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    Trade Nomenclature of the Asian Arowana

    Great reading, albeit a small portion of right hand side of page is not visible. I could read things like this for hours.
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    200 Gallon Black Arowana & Tank Mates

    I have just the lone aro from dreamfish now. He is in a 125. I will have to get a bigger tank for him in the next year or so. Trying to time it with my new house so I can really upgrade. I would really like a 420 gallon or bigger so I can try a community
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    200 Gallon Black Arowana & Tank Mates

    Great fish though I may add. I would never consider owning a silver..... But a black I am sure I will own one again one day
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    200 Gallon Black Arowana & Tank Mates

    I actually got him when I was just 17 or so. I never knew much about fish keeping. I thought my 90 gallon wAs the big boy on the scene. He grew fast to 12 inches. I also fed him mostly live food. Hahah being young and naive. I sold him after he started jumping a lot, and when I heard they need a...
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    Arowana community

    My aro chased and snapped at my silver dollars all the time. He leaves the flag tail alone.
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    1200 Gallon from BC :)

    Love to see a update on this tank and setup
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    200 Gallon Black Arowana & Tank Mates

    Yeah blacks are great. Miss mine.
  13. D

    New room nearing completion...

    Wow that's a very nice setup with some very cool rays! Wow
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    Welcome to Dragonfish Industry (DFI)!

    I welcome, the more respectable farms on this site the better. I also look forward to seeing some of these fish head this way.
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    200 Gallon Black Arowana & Tank Mates

    Lovin the tiles, nice black aro. Likin the setup
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    Finnex Boxing Week sale starts now - 10% off

    Any stock come in for those monsters?
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    Henlei pup #2

    Beauty lil pup!
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    Show your very first tank(s) / fish!!!

    Cool, going way back