Search results

  1. danfong88

    Tanning My Red

    I would not tanning the fish.... it puts alots of STRESS on the FISH. Colour can introduced by feeding high beta karatene products.
  2. danfong88

    Chilli Red video

    the body shape is nice.. colour is fine for a red. supermeal worms will make the red ... brigher? maybe?
  3. danfong88

    shipping accident - widebar dat

    sorry for your lost...
  4. danfong88

    UV Sterilizer (In-line)

    waste of money.. the 13watt UV will burn out in 3 to 6 months. I would return it and looking into other alternative to clean water. such as Phoshate ban 150 reactors.
  5. danfong88

    Filter Media - Best Prices in Canada

    I total agree...KISS ( keep it simply stuip). Mechancial with floss or sponge with filter out the large particles. Then cermanic rings or Bacteria house, then sponge will clean the water. As for bio ball, I heard they create lots of nitrate for fresh water. It is meant for Salt water set up...
  6. danfong88

    50 Gallon Sump??

    No... wrong design complete.... your sump is complete wet... you must make the sump dry then overflow into the chambers and then return back to main tank. Dry then wet.
  7. danfong88

    want to start keeping arowana

    they will fight and the fins will rip apart.... but if u like it is OK.... icebeast.... Have fun!!
  8. danfong88

    Best Foods for Growing Aros?

    supermeal worms are the best... and does not hurt the aro. Shrimp are great too. So and using pellets are good too. It depend on your aro.. most of the time depends on individual aros.
  9. danfong88

    Hello From Calgary

    RTG are less aggresive compared to Chilli RED..... but they are still fun to have.
  10. danfong88

    Hello From Calgary

    your angle fish will get killed. Also, there is too much drift wood this can hurt your RTG. Since, the aro is a new comer to your existing tank, he might feel less at home. So you have to watch the aro very carefully or put the aro in tank my itself until it is stable. ie. at home first. Angle...
  11. danfong88

    Fluval latest G Series canister filters .....

    very expensive for a canister filter
  12. danfong88


    I total agree with your RTG Gerry, Lucky is sell cheaper grade of arowana and might even turn red... I guess buyer should be careful.
  13. danfong88

    Used Fluval FX5(s) $200

    sorry found a cheaper filter. Thanks!
  14. danfong88

    Vid of New 450Gal

    nice ST, twice the size compared to your ARO.
  15. danfong88

    Hi... how is your ST?

    Hi... how is your ST?
  16. danfong88

    Wanted: L27 Royal Pleco!

    Big Al's on Steeles and Yonge has them but very small. 1" I think? go check it out.
  17. danfong88

    220 gallon for SALE

    if you are interested give me a call 416.768.0688 Dan
  18. danfong88

    Super Red for Sale - Award Winning Fish

    Sorry... no room... plus I have a Elkindo too.. 8" and growing fast!!