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  1. G

    UPDATES on some rays

    hey mike ive got 9 black rays now but looking to sell a few off just looking for a few nice bds or p14s
  2. G

    1300 and 600 gallon updates

    hey theo majority of the aros are from maju and a few are from DFI
  3. G

    1300 and 600 gallon updates

    its a U shaped tank
  4. G

    new black diamond

    hey chen she is about 4-5 inches now, hopefully she will turn out real nice
  5. G

    1300 and 600 gallon updates

    they eat everything from pellets to worms and smelts but mostly shrimp
  6. G

    stingrays and zaire blues

    i am getting rid of some of my stock, heres the list.. pair of p14 galaxy about 7" $4200 3m1f pearl rays from 5-8" $2000 for all 4 female bdleo 7" $1200 1m4f zaire blue frontosa 6"-9" $800 Located in calgary shipping is a possiblilty
  7. G

    1300 and 600 gallon updates

    well its been about a year since i got these tanks set up so here are some full tanks shots and arowana updates over a year after i got them
  8. G

    new black diamond

    just got this girl about a month ago
  9. G

    UPDATES on some rays

    hey guys its been a while so here are some updates enjoy!!
  10. G

    arowana has dropsy

    its very hard to tell with this one, he gets sick of his food fast! he went from pellets to crickets to shrimp then only super worms. last month he got sick of super worms and didnt eat for a week so i tried dew worms and he went for that now he is is sick of those worms and havent eaten in...
  11. G

    arowana has dropsy

    i have an arowana that has some lifted scales from his gills to his belly, looks like dropsy, now i know most would say it is the water conditions but all water params have been checked and are perfect. my question is, is it safe to treat with tetracyclene with 4 bd rays in the tank?
  12. G

    pearl, marble motoro, pearlxmotoro

    how about pearls for $600 each?
  13. G

    pearl, marble motoro, pearlxmotoro

    pair motxpearl sold 2 pearl males 5" $700 or $1250 for both trio marbles 1m 2f 7-9" $800
  14. G

    P14 Updates..

    sweet rays chen!!
  15. G

    Leo finnally had her pups!

    congrats lyder, glad to see patience pays off for you
  16. G

    Funny stuff grow balls

    thats funny tim, but at the same time man is that guy shady.
  17. G

    Henlei, bdleo, and bd update

    thanks!! ill try to post some pics asap
  18. G

    March 27 Update

    very nice aros and rays good job chen
  19. G

    Henlei, bdleo, and bd update

    thanks tim! u still gotta see them all in person!