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  1. K

    New RTG - Possible Tanks Mates? Too Early?

    Update on RTG - after 1 year Just wanted to share this video of our CV Maju RTG after a little more than a year since we got him/her:
  2. K

    Tigers - Phillipines

    Tigers - Philippines Sharing links forwarded to me -
  3. K

    Superworm Special

    If there is a Group Buy with pick-up not too far - I would keen for 1,000.
  4. K

    Forum Members Special Pricing

    Rebate Coupon Does the Rebate Coupon still work?
  5. K

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    Thanks from us too! Hi Earl - We got ours in the post too - very nice! Thanks again for your generosity. Cheers, Kim and Mark
  6. K

    Some pics of my 250g.

    Very very nice! Did you have it Custom made? Most impressive tank!
  7. K

    Banjar Red Arowanas?

    Thanks for clarifying this - someone had asked me the other day and I wasn't sure.
  8. K

    Banjar Red Arowanas?

    What is the difference between an RTG and Banjar Red? Are they actually the same type of Asian Arowana? My understanding is the RTG are more expensive then Banjars right? Or are they in the same class?
  9. K

    Another Arowana shipment coming up next week .....

    Tigers Bound for Vancouver? Any of the CT/ST bound for Vancouver, B.C. LFS?
  10. K

    LF: ST

    Types of Datnoid Based on this info - The baby Dats being sold at IPU must be the AT and NTT - right? They have a few tanks of baby Dats at the Burnaby branch.
  11. K

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    One Please - Thanks! One for us too!
  12. K

    New RTG - Possible Tanks Mates? Too Early?

    It is still a bit jumpy and only ate 1 cricket today. I will let him settle down a bit. I will leave the lights on - he seems to be more calm when I left the lights on throughout the day. We have always wanted a ray - they are very nice. I will check with you in a couple of months. Will try...
  13. K

    New RTG - Possible Tanks Mates? Too Early?

    Thanks - that is good advice, the eating has not been consistent yet. Refused to take anything last night and this morning. The cricket was swimming in front of him and he ignored it. It is still getting used to its new environment I think - he may have been used a pond previously. I...
  14. K

    New RTG - Possible Tanks Mates? Too Early?

    We recently got our first RTG - Big thanks to DeepRed! It ate a couple of Crickets the next day after we got him - flown in from CV Maju - 6th Dec 2011. It also ate some Superworm and Mealworms. Bits and pieces of the food drops to the bottom of the cage and some are left uneaten...