New RTG - Possible Tanks Mates? Too Early?


New Member
We recently got our first RTG - Big thanks to DeepRed!

It ate a couple of Crickets the next day after we got him - flown in from CV Maju - 6th Dec 2011. It also ate some Superworm and Mealworms. Bits and pieces of the food drops to the bottom of the cage and some are left uneaten.

Given the relatively small size (approx. 6-inches) of the RTG - Are there suitable tank mates that I can add to my 180-gallon - so that they eat the leftovers that falls to the bottom of the tank?

Should I wait till the RTG gets bigger before I get some tank mates? - i.e. Bichirs, Clown Loaches, Stingrays, etc.

BTW - I would like to try Stingrays in the future as well - what Stingray species would be the most robust (not too sensitive to water quality - I try to keep up but just in case) and not too expensive for a newbie?

Any tips would be appreciated - Cheers, Kim
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I would suggest keeping your RTG for at least a month or so and get it eating regularly and settled in before adding too many new tank mates.

If you are looking for a good cleaner fish, I would consider getting a small Psedodorus niger (ripsaw cat) which will do an excellent job eating up all food that hits the bottom of the tank. It is a "gentle giant" and will not bother your aro; it does grow large, however, so if it eats a lot it will grow a lot. I saw some small 5-6 inch ones for sale at King Ed Pets, also the IPU in Richmond.

Since you are in Vancouver you will have no problem getting reasonably priced fish to keep with your aro. I know Mike at (sponsor on this forum) can help; so too, check with Charles at Charles brings in many less expensive rays (ex. P. motoro sp.)which might be your best place to start if they are new to you.
I would suggest keeping your RTG for at least a month or so and get it eating regularly and settled in before adding too many new tank mates.

If you are looking for a good cleaner fish, I would consider getting a small Psedodorus niger (ripsaw cat) which will do an excellent job eating up all food that hits the bottom of the tank. It is a "gentle giant" and will not bother your aro; it does grow large, however, so if it eats a lot it will grow a lot. I saw some small 5-6 inch ones for sale at King Ed Pets, also the IPU in Richmond.

Since you are in Vancouver you will have no problem getting reasonably priced fish to keep with your aro. I know Mike at (sponsor on this forum) can help; so too, check with Charles at Charles brings in many less expensive rays (ex. P. motoro sp.)which might be your best place to start if they are new to you.

Thanks - that is good advice, the eating has not been consistent yet.

Refused to take anything last night and this morning. The cricket was swimming in front of him and he ignored it.

It is still getting used to its new environment I think - he may have been used a pond previously.

I will check with Mike and Charles about the rays a bit down the track - being cautious as I understand that the rays can be very fickle and can lead to high mortality rates.

Cheers - Kim
give him some time to settle. i wouldnt feed too much superworm or mealworm. they get hooked onto it and itll be very expensive to feed your aro in the long run. get him on aro sticks and market prawn. you can add some tankmates now but those that wont stress out the aro. flagtails are good (smaller than the aro), red parrots, silver dollars or a pleco to clean up uneaten food. rays at a much later date.
give him some time to settle. i wouldnt feed too much superworm or mealworm. they get hooked onto it and itll be very expensive to feed your aro in the long run. get him on aro sticks and market prawn. you can add some tankmates now but those that wont stress out the aro. flagtails are good (smaller than the aro), red parrots, silver dollars or a pleco to clean up uneaten food. rays at a much later date.

It is still a bit jumpy and only ate 1 cricket today. I will let him settle down a bit. I will leave the lights on - he seems to be more calm when I left the lights on throughout the day.

We have always wanted a ray - they are very nice. I will check with you in a couple of months. Will try the Market prawn and Aro sticks - see how it goes - Thanks for the advice!
I have a green asian aro that i got as a wee one.. I have some smaller cats for sale that i kept with him his entire growth.

They are too big for the big fish to eat, dont bother anyone in the tank, safe with stingrays, great clean up crew, and WILL NOT OUTGROW YOUR TANK. most cats get way too big

they are armoured catfish. I'm disabling my set up but i would recommend them to everyone. Though I dont seen very many around
Update on RTG - after 1 year

Just wanted to share this video of our CV Maju RTG after a little more than a year since we got him/her:

nice classic rtg! looked a lot like mine back in the early days!


For my next tank, was thinking of a bigger one - 300 gallon.

What is the most cost effective way to get such a set up - not aiming for a Rolls Royce just a Honda Civic setup - : ).

Your setup is like a Rolls Royce.

What would you recommend as a bare minimum / budget friendly but effective - set up to have BD rays and Aros.

What I had in mind was to get a Marineland 300 Deep, then have the stand custom made (Monterey seems quite pricey), an automatic water-change piping set up and 2 large canister filters.

What would be the minimum budget you think needed for the initial setup? excluding the livestock.

I think a few people are keen to have a 300 gallon set up - but it seems very cost prohibitive.


For my next tank, was thinking of a bigger one - 300 gallon.

What is the most cost effective way to get such a set up - not aiming for a Rolls Royce just a Honda Civic setup - : ).

Your setup is like a Rolls Royce.

What would you recommend as a bare minimum / budget friendly but effective - set up to have BD rays and Aros.

What I had in mind was to get a Marineland 300 Deep, then have the stand custom made (Monterey seems quite pricey), an automatic water-change piping set up and 2 large canister filters.

What would be the minimum budget you think needed for the initial setup? excluding the livestock.

I think a few people are keen to have a 300 gallon set up - but it seems very cost prohibitive.


I like your thought Kim, 300G but civic setup is not possible, just like BD as price will not go down as marble. But if you think of it as a one time investment then its worth every penny. It is the cost of feeding and maintenance that cost the most not the initial setup.
i would just go to king eds and see how much they can get you a glass 300 for. anything above LFS's standard 210 gallon would be expensive. 300 gal and above are usually custom made.

i suggest not going too cheap nor super expensive.

if i were you, go with a decent setup. doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg but at least you will be satisfied in the long run.
I like your thought Kim, 300G but civic setup is not possible, just like BD as price will not go down as marble. But if you think of it as a one time investment then its worth every penny. It is the cost of feeding and maintenance that cost the most not the initial setup.

Thanks David - that is very good point. I saw the stand that you built for one of Mike's client - very impressive. I hope you won't mind if would knock on your door for a quote if I go ahead with the 300 gallon.

And your auto-water change set up, I would be keen to pick your brains on how to do it as well - : ).

i would just go to king eds and see how much they can get you a glass 300 for. anything above LFS's standard 210 gallon would be expensive. 300 gal and above are usually custom made.

i suggest not going too cheap nor super expensive.

if i were you, go with a decent setup. doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg but at least you will be satisfied in the long run.

I did go to King Ed and the price for the Marineland Deep 300G (with Monterey Stand and Canopy) was very close to what I remembered you telling me about your entire full Titan setup costs.

The difference was only around $3K - with the additional filters, sumps, etc. needed - it will end up costing as much or more than your set up - : ).

That is why I am still very undecided as to which way to go.

BTW - I do not think the Group Buy started at the BCAquaria site went through for the Titan tanks.

But if anyone is kicking off another one again, I would be keen to participate - : ) - especially if we can replicate what you have done with your tank.

Your tank's design is well thought out - and I guess now that you have had it for sometime, you might have some more enhancements that you would like to see.
Thanks David - that is very good point. I saw the stand that you built for one of Mike's client - very impressive. I hope you won't mind if would knock on your door for a quote if I go ahead with the 300 gallon.

And your auto-water change set up, I would be keen to pick your brains on how to do it as well - : ).

I did go to King Ed and the price for the Marineland Deep 300G (with Monterey Stand and Canopy) was very close to what I remembered you telling me about your entire full Titan setup costs.

The difference was only around $3K - with the additional filters, sumps, etc. needed - it will end up costing as much or more than your set up - : ).

That is why I am still very undecided as to which way to go.

BTW - I do not think the Group Buy started at the BCAquaria site went through for the Titan tanks.

But if anyone is kicking off another one again, I would be keen to participate - : ) - especially if we can replicate what you have done with your tank.

Your tank's design is well thought out - and I guess now that you have had it for sometime, you might have some more enhancements that you would like to see.

i would contact titan directly and see what they can do. if price difference isnt much, might as well go with the acrylic.

my clients setup is identical to mine. i guess you have all the pics and thread to follow! minus the water change system. theo and david has them installed in their tanks. im sure they can provide guidance!

nothing to change for the tank itself. i really liked titans work.
i would contact titan directly and see what they can do. if price difference isnt much, might as well go with the acrylic.

my clients setup is identical to mine. i guess you have all the pics and thread to follow! minus the water change system. theo and david has them installed in their tanks. im sure they can provide guidance!

nothing to change for the tank itself. i really liked titans work.

Will check with them - I am sure that they would still have your designs / instructions as it was not too long ago.

Thanks again for the tips!