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  1. tomuhs

    New BD/LEO.

    Gorgeous fish! Congrats on the new pickup. No better way to celebrate the setup of ur new tank.
  2. tomuhs

    Community - August Update

    Love goonches! They look so badass. I'd be curious to find out how it matches up tho too. Hopefully will remain peaceful comm. Tank is so clear. Care to share your maintenance schedule ?
  3. tomuhs

    Community - August Update

    Love your tank. Thinking of adding anything in the near future?
  4. tomuhs

    Adz1 250g. pics.

    Nice clean setup. Love the piece of driftwood. Make sure to update when you get ur new Aro :D
  5. tomuhs

    August 11th Video

    very nice! nice update. for a sec thot u were going to put the go pro in the tank...hahha
  6. tomuhs

    ok guys gonna try pics

    Awesome collection. Your BDs are beauts!
  7. tomuhs

    The start of the 520 gallon

    Had a similar problem when I setup my tank...pump was too strong and water level was way too high and was touching the glass lid as well. Fixed the problem by lowering my overflow level by getting it cut and replacing to a smaller pump. I'm assuming you have check valves on the return??
  8. tomuhs

    a little up date

    Thanks for the invite! Maybe we can squeeze a day in to go visit London. How many tanks are you at now if you don't me asking? I'm afraid if I see you're tank, I'm gonna want to take it home.
  9. tomuhs

    Arowana head injury bloody eye

    Sorry to hear bro; not much experience with this but keep us posted on his condition. Based on reading some forums, hopefully this will go away given time. Best of luck
  10. tomuhs

    a little up date

    Wow your fish are huge! Beautiful tank. Heading down to Europe (france and italy) this week. Had I known you had such gorgeous fish, I would have scheduled a UK trip.
  11. tomuhs

    my fish photo

    Very impressive!! Love the Goonch and the Leucistic TSN. Some of my fav cats! Thanks for sharing
  12. tomuhs

    Stingray having issues swallowing

    Hmm my substrate is about about 2'' max at the deepest point. I have a power head circulating air near the bottom of the tank which has created a bare spot in the tank in one corner but otherwise overall 1-2''. I think next time, I'll go the BB route. Thanks for the kind words; good lesson...
  13. tomuhs

    Stingray having issues swallowing

    Poor fella passed away this morning Well looks like my troubles have finally ended. Yesterday, everything was good, fed the ray as usual in the morning and had just done a water change the other day with water params in check (0,0, 20). I came home later after work to find that the ray had...
  14. tomuhs

    *** RAFFLE: Pearl Stingray, Silurus Glanis ALBINO, Orino PBass!!!!! ***

    Jolly good times...thanks again Mike for doing up this raffle. Scott would you like to share on shipping if you don't coming up to Calgary?
  15. tomuhs

    *** RAFFLE: Pearl Stingray, Silurus Glanis ALBINO, Orino PBass!!!!! ***

    You guys can have the ray! I'm gunning for the pbass! Good luck everyone!
  16. tomuhs

    New room mate

    Congrats on obtaining a dreamfish! Very clean lines. I love how you make this so casual! I'd be doing a happy dance...
  17. tomuhs


    Awesome collection! The L25 is huge! How long it take to get to that size?
  18. tomuhs

    *** RAFFLE: Pearl Stingray, Silurus Glanis ALBINO, Orino PBass!!!!! ***

    oh I'd be in for sure. Or if you'd like you could do 25 raffles at double the price if we dont have enough members interested. 40 bux for a chance to win a bdleo? Holy. Haha yes lets get the party started! The suspense is killing me
  19. tomuhs

    Very Sad Day for My Babe 24k... Please Help Me.

    Yes I watched the video, very well done and thanks for sharing Joey. I was nervous just watching it and I knew the outcome. Good luck with the gorgeous fish. He/she probably saved your life or prevented something bad from happening...if you believe in feng shui. :D