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  1. Arodynamic

    rtg update 02182008

    The RTG is not supposed to attack the Flagtail and Tiger as they are "supposed" to be the harmonious trio (according to folklore)
  2. Arodynamic

    What would your dream aro community tank look like?

    its only 6x2x2. i am hoping to get a 7x2.5 soon. When they are packed in like that aggression is reduced- but you have to keep an eye on the water. i do 2 changes a week
  3. Arodynamic

    What would your dream aro community tank look like?

    This is what my aro comm looks like- Still not the ideal set up but getting there.
  4. Arodynamic

    Winter/Spring Group Buy - On Location!

    Those prices are cheap I must say
  5. Arodynamic

    New articles available on Asian arowana keeping in the UK

    True- I am sure you guys in CND have some great fish!!
  6. Arodynamic

    My Short Body HBRTG from Xian leng Malaysia

    Does not look like a typical short Body aro- Short body aros tend to be runts and deformed fish - some hobbyists like them for space reasons and looks and shops put a heavy premium on them. In short they won't win any prizes at Aquarama.
  7. Arodynamic

    New Panda book coming to Canada...

    This book has been around for a few years, a good read nonetheless
  8. Arodynamic

    Winter/Spring Group Buy - On Location!

    Great aros from one of the most respected and oldest aro farm in Singapore- Panda prides itself by not importing any aros fron Indonesia and calling them its own. All aros are raised by the farm.
  9. Arodynamic

    Cheap upgrade for canister filters

    But won't it slow the flow rate down by quite a lot??
  10. Arodynamic

    $3000 Arowana painting!

    Painting is so so- not great but not bad either but $3000? thats another story
  11. Arodynamic

    Skittish Aro

    Arowanas are very skittish fish when young- one has to approach the tank slowly, get him used to you feeding him so that he will be more confident- it takes time and you can't rush it. I find that if you appraoch the tank suddenly they will jump and knock themselves silly and traumatise...
  12. Arodynamic

    Malaysian Arowana

    Greens £100 banjars £200 RTGs £350 Reds £1000 onwards Xbs £1200 upwards
  13. Arodynamic

    The aro scene in Singapore

    Yes Cirrus- Good to know one of the most respected people in the hobby agreeing with me on tanning, i remembered telling you it is a waste of time and not necessary for aros. Have a great time in Singapura.
  14. Arodynamic

    Malaysian Arowana

    I would not advise bringing fish back as the process is fraught with problems- First of all as Cirrus mentioned, fish will have to be the suitcase. We all know how careful baggage handlers are when handling big bags.All that knocking about coupled with the sub zero temps of the cargo will be...
  15. Arodynamic

    Hi guys

    Its HP ,theo. Enjoy your stay in Singapore. its like one giant toy store there!!
  16. Arodynamic

    Hi guys

    I am a newbie here but not new to the hobby- been keeping Asians for 35 yrs!! Had the pleasure of meeting Theo (Cirrus) I think-yesterday in London and look fwd to reading his well written articles.