What would your dream aro community tank look like?

my dream comm tank would be about 10-12Lx4-6Wx8H pond/tank and it would look like a hude tank from the basement and in the living room it would be a pond were i would feed them with at least one of each kind or arowanna and rays
I used to have lots of Asian aro back in Asia, but now I'm here in Canada I'll be only dreaming to get what I want. I can't even have an outdoor pond here the temperature is to cold and change a lot. If this is only a dream I go with the biggest tank that can house 20 asian aros but still have room for other types of aros and other fish that I like.
i got an 8x3x3.5 with 1 platinum 1 emeral blue 1 blue base SR 1 fusion red a blue base gold and two motoro rays but would like to ad to it esp if i can put my hand on a loepoldi and a 24k xb gold would make me want to sleep next to the tank and not the wife
h.l. nathan: to load pics when you post something, scroll down and click on manage attachments. Then locate the photo you want.:)
I used paint shop pro to resize the picture of my tank and saved the reduced image. You can even use the paint program with windows to do this. I used it to reduce the image below of my mixed reef and future Jar/Ray tank (as it is now). I need to get a camera to take better pictures!


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    my tank3.JPG
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This is what my aro comm looks like- Still not the ideal set up but getting there.


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    Aro Comm.jpg
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My perfect com would be

5 x blue base cross backs
1 x super red
1 x BIG siamese tiger
1 x BIG flag tail
1 x male p14 sting ray
2 x female p14 sting rays
a few other bits and pieces :D

and a 14inch tigrinus cat yes Theo after you came and done the artical on my tank you were right my tank was lacking a tig so i brought mine back :D
My dream tank would be 8 feet long, 3 feet wide and 3 feet high with 9 BBXB and a piece of large driftwood with anubia
1 of the following (24K or a SR) I'll even settle for a RTG! with the following as fillers which I have (1) Flagtail prochilodus, (9) Datnoids (5) Geophagus altifrons. (7) Large clown loaches in a 600 gallon. I am running a daisy chained sump, a 40 gallon for mainly Bio rings, a 70gallon sump for sock and bio balls returning pump is a hammer head reefelo choked at 70% . I am also running 1 eheim 2260 and 1 FX5. no rays in the 600 gallon, likely the rays will get their own tank.