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  1. R

    B.C. visit / photo clinic

    I'm attending a wedding in Victoria late in July. I will be visiting my sisters who live in north and west Vancouver. If someone is interested in an informal "photography clinic" like the one I did in Red Deer last October, I'd be more than willing to hook up for an afternoon or evening...
  2. R

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    Should I, should I, should I......decisions, decisions......
  3. R

    New filter design

    Very interesting thread. Thanks for sharing videos. :)
  4. R

    What size UV sterilizer

    Thanks, guys!
  5. R

    What size UV sterilizer

    I'm in need of a UV sterilizer for a 360 gallon tank with a 75 gallon sump. How many watts? Any forum sponsors sell sterilizers?
  6. R

    wtb: hikari massivore

    I'm looking for a source for the 2.2 lb bags of massivore in Canada. PnP has been out for a while now and I'm friggin tired of paying Winterpeg prices for it.
  7. R

    A little scare last night

    No kidding! Fascinating experience to read about. Thanks for sharing. :)
  8. R

    Hungry pups.

    Nice collection!
  9. R

    4" black bar silver dollars / 3" 3 bar Indo tiger

    Local pick up or shipping? Location?
  10. R


    Check out Shine Aquatics in Red Deer. Bret is a sponsor on this site. Send him a pm and see if you can tour his fishroom. He has some outstanding aros and tank mates.
  11. R

    FS 20" CHILLI RED AROWANA- No Shipping

    As Theo has stated, that can easily reverse itself and with some, it comes and goes.
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    Hi from b.c

    Welcome to the site! :)
  13. R

    Azul Peacock Bass

    Very nice! How big?
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    Please help ID this fish

    What was it sold as? Need a better pic. Could be mono, occel or even orino.
  15. R

    Hydrocynus vittatus

    When he was that size, he was totally fine except he also shredded an odoe pike. Now, 2 years later, he does get aggro with certain species. He won't accept odoe pikes and tends to not like pike cichlids either. But he will leave 3" datnoides alone.
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    Hydrocynus vittatus

    I tried with my RTG when he was about 18". The RTG destroyed the vittatus within 48 hours. The vittatus was about 9".
  17. R

    Super Reds

    Some pics of the Maju from last night. This fish does not like to be photographed.
  18. R

    Fei Feng & Stingrays??

    I currently have a 4" ff with a young female marble. No issues after about 6 weeks.....I did have to remove an albino bushy nose as he liked to suck on her disc.....