Search results

  1. M

    RTG and friends pix

    He is.
  2. M


    It's been a while since I've seen such nice Ocellaris. How many do you have?
  3. M

    indo datnoid 12inch for sale

    It was sold, please close.
  4. M


    I'll put some pictures up of mine, they're ~10" each.
  5. M


    You gotta be kidding me hero :). Keeping them with the aros?!?
  6. M

    The 3 wild caught P13 (Leo.) Stingrays

    Post some pictures of the Eric.
  7. M

    As promissed more filtration

    Very nice, Iwaki pump?
  8. M


    He had a community, and I think now he has separated 2 pairs already.
  9. M

    What do you make of this?

    BC, private person, bred them. Not worth bother him to post his success, he just gifted away the SR fry. That's what I heard. I doubt this guy here bred them though.
  10. M


    Nice xbacks, even the rtg com looks cool.
  11. M

    new 17 inch widebar. JUMBO.

    Nuts :) ...that big and perfect necklace. Nuts I tell ya! :D Well done Mike.
  12. M

    My soon to be done 600gal

    Montreal ;)
  13. M

    My soon to be done 600gal

    Montreal ;)
  14. M

    11 inch widebar tiger

    Oh man, I cannot wait to see that :)
  15. M

    My soon to be done 600gal

    Will do.
  16. M

    My soon to be done 600gal

    Will do.
  17. M

    My soon to be done 600gal

    Why don't you get real flowers, they less than 30% of the price ...and IMO more beautiful than regular P13. Now, if you're going to get special variants of P13 ...then I fear for your safety :D Seriously, Menchacai, or Schroederi, I'd go for those guys anytime instead on simple Leos. I've...
  18. M

    My soon to be done 600gal

    Why don't you get real flowers, they less than 30% of the price ...and IMO more beautiful than regular P13. Now, if you're going to get special variants of P13 ...then I fear for your safety :D Seriously, Menchacai, or Schroederi, I'd go for those guys anytime instead on simple Leos. I've...