Search results

  1. M

    24 inch hbrtg arowana for sale

    Well, buy this and sell it in Manitoba. :) I'll ship it to you.
  2. M

    new camera = new pics lol

    Love the last picture :D. Definitely better quality shots man, keep them coming.
  3. M

    Arowana Myth & Stories

    Once you raise an arowana it is part of the family :D
  4. M

    Indo Dragon Book 5 ......

    Well Kenta still hasn't shipped my book.
  5. M


    To your heart's liking :D ...but it's Panda for this shipment.
  6. M

    Flagtail question

    Semaprochilodus insignis
  7. M

    CR Feb 2009

    Beautiful red Mike.
  8. M


    Nope, same thing as before, Vancouver + final destination.
  9. M


    We have it covered and the same solid customer service will take place from now on as before.
  10. M


    Nice Justin. Now I'm looking forward even more to my groups.
  11. M

    My humble red

    Not humble at all man, nice development.
  12. M

    Astinos: The Red Champion of Sprata

    I don't see any 6-pack on him!?!?! ...nice red though :)
  13. M

    selling Dats, bicher, etc (Dt Vancouver)

    Nobuki, join as well and post it there as well. You'll have greater chances to sell them in Vancouver. Cheers.
  14. M

    My rays had pups!

    Congrats indeed. What a guy, driving 100 miles just to get baby food. :)
  15. M

    Dat and friend....

    Yup ...overhead flash Justin :)
  16. M

    Kickass new look

    Thanks Eken, it looks amazing.
  17. M

    Back at it again

    Nah, for arowanas I have a 1000+ gallons in mind :D
  18. M

    Last pictures of my green aro

    Did it really die Tim? That sucks if it really happened.
  19. M

    Dynamic Super Red

    Mmmmm ...potential :)
  20. M

    Back at it again

    Kamusta ka pare :) Not a pinoy here, but tagalog is one of the languages I want to learn soon :D. Nice to have you here.