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  1. m_class2g


    Welcome to Exotic Aquaria! This has been long overdue but I am officially a sponsor on! I have known many of you for many many years and would like to get to know/deal with everyone on this website. As you all know, my passion is exotic fish. From Asian arowanas, to high end...
  2. m_class2g

    Fly River Turtle Video

    cute turtle!!! makes me miss mine lol. ahh well gerrys enjoying him now lol
  3. m_class2g

    FS: Captive Bred BD x LEO Pair - $2000 + shipping

    $2000 + shipping. have new fish coming. id like these gone asap. uploaded new pics. will add new video asap.
  4. m_class2g

    Lince Video c/w Full Tank

    hahaha thats pretty big for small sds! so whats next on your RARE list!? lol
  5. m_class2g

    Lince Video c/w Full Tank

    wow amazing vid! tank is quite stocked already eh! looking very good!
  6. m_class2g

    New Monster has arrived

    haha sounds like a lot of work! my tanks the same..... aro, then st. then the rays in the aro tank using a pvc. the young blacks, i gota cut up some food. feed my tarpons. still takes me a while every morning and night.
  7. m_class2g

    New Monster has arrived

    amazing as always! now we need a full tank vid during feeding time!!
  8. m_class2g

    Messed up aro?

    and i bet this thing costs a lot of money lol. i personally would not buy a fish looking like this! but to each their own!
  9. m_class2g

    FS: Henlei X MotoroSP - SOLD

    sold. thanks.
  10. m_class2g

    FS: Henlei X MotoroSP - SOLD

    henlei x motorosp - male - last hybrid from my order. established. eating frozen smelt. SOLD. thanks.
  11. m_class2g

    pups update

    heres the m and f pup i bred a few months ago. they are at a friends place now. already at 6 inches. just got some updated pics of them. hystrix x superspot motoro X marble motoro.
  12. m_class2g

    Filtering my 170

    id go with a fx5, aquaclear 500 and a good airpump.
  13. m_class2g

    Around 9" Male BDxLEO Stingray available (Toronto).......

    eric, helped you out. i edited your title to BD x LEO. all good. no need to create a new post. i enjoyed keeping this guy before i sold him. good eater!
  14. m_class2g

    Awesome Stingrays.

    very nice indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!