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  1. m_class2g

    Nom nom nom

    your killing me gerry! haha
  2. m_class2g

    A couple new pups marble x ?

    Very nice pups!!! Great spotting on both rays!!
  3. m_class2g

    P14 female update

    beautiful p14!
  4. m_class2g

    Lots of rays for sale and more to come

    very nice pearl x marble! ups for u!
  5. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    thanks theo! i guess finally a little hard work paid off lol. pups were 4 inches when she gave birth. mom was at 14-15 inches. heres an update of the 2. pics taken at day 3. both eating chopped earthworms now. fat fat bellies. male is trying to knock up female again. should have a next batch...
  6. m_class2g

    March 27 Update

  7. m_class2g

    fishing hook thread.

    just saw this. pretty crazy.
  8. m_class2g

    black diamond fishing - sao felix

    if you guys havent seen this vid already. id like to do this one day!
  9. m_class2g

    Freshwater Bumble Bee Grouper (video clip) ......

    this was in taiwan. waiting to be dinner lol
  10. m_class2g

    this is my tank now.....

    nice setup!!! you need some big altums!
  11. m_class2g

    Which tank for FRT?

    ahh good. hes being a good neighbor. lol.
  12. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    thanks for the tip! will try your ideas. i moved the male back and he caught his stinger in the net. had to cut around it... theres a little bit of blood and he seems unhappy. hope he'll want to go round 2 when he settles back in!!!
  13. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    thanks! could they be trained to eat mp at this size already!?
  14. m_class2g

    Which tank for FRT?

    hows he doing in the comm tank so far!?? any updates!?
  15. m_class2g

    March 27 Update

    lol fair enough. if you need to unload some of those bds, send them this way!
  16. m_class2g

    March 27 Update

    beautiful aros and rays. u need to upgrade your tank soon chen lol
  17. m_class2g

    Freshwater Bumble Bee Grouper (video clip) ......

    holy crap monster!!!!!!!!!!!! i was in taiwan and saw one bigger than this in a live tank for consumption. lol. its the same grouper for sure. ill find a pic.
  18. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    thanks! heres a vid! YouTube - 03272011 hystrix SP X marble motoro
  19. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    looks like mom. no trace of dad. lol