Search results

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    Indonesian Super Reds from CV MAJU

    yup, lets hope its a record breaking price for a rtg on the market right now.
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    fs - albino tinfoil barbs

    I have a few of these guys as dither fish for my aros but now I want to thin out the tank roughly 3" well fed and none attacked by the aros red starting to show in the tail 1 for 5$ or 5 for 20$
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    Sept/29/2008 photos

    charles why are you taunting me with your leopard frogs?
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    marius my PGS in the 50gal is only to seperate it from the other 2 smaller ones, also i can power feed the 2 smaller ones until they are the same size. Then they can call go into the 210gal!
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    SN Xian Leng Super Red Aro

    yeah its like a korean supermarket or something, I cant remember... someone told me about it so I checked it out some time ago I walked in to look at the aro and then left, the workers must have thought I was weird...
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    PG update

    great shots kenta is that your new disto?
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    arl, how big is your tank? in the long run those 2 wont get along while growing out. i did seperate the 3, the dominant one with the "perfect" fins and no loss scales was left alone in the 50gal. The other 2 went into a 7' tank, theres so much space in there for the 2 but they always decide to...
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    sure can come the day i finish! its running but not complete...
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    First ever Picture of The Month!!

    haha hey mike our odds look good =)
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    10,000 posts - not bad for 10 months! :)

    awesome, congrats to the site and the admins and ofcoures everyone on here!
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    yeha theres just 3 for now.... mine arent 100% settled, still a bit skittish but feeding on MP and crickets.
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    thanks mclass I cant wait to see how your panda red turns out
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    Panda Gold Supremes

    here are the PGS I picked up from the last order, I thought I'd get some pics before they start fighting...
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    Panda sr growth series.

    pandas got some nice reds mike give us an update of yours
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    First ever Picture of The Month!!

    was mine submitted too? lol if it was it would have been a 50/50 coin flip between the 2 of us mike!
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    Aro wannabe keeper

    marius you should get an aro for sure! now all you have to do is get one before kole...
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    Hello from Vancouver!

    welcome to the site! hows your aro tank mates doing?
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    fs - driftwood

    SOLD please close
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    fs - driftwood

    I have 2 pieces for sale.. 1st piece, $50 sinks... on its side back view standing upright 2nd piece, $25 floater. I never even used this piece because it floats, you would need to secure it on some slate
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    Superworms - 1000 @ $25.00 (delivery in)

    id be interested im in van