Search results

  1. L

    fs - dats

    ALL NTT sold. IT's still available
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    fs - dats

    pending sale for ALL the fish..
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    fs - dats

    2 - 4bar - 4-5" - 75$ each or both for $140 2 - 3bar - 2-3" - 75$ each all dats have symmetrical bars on each side. need to make room for new fish comming in.
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    congrats and good luck with the fish
  5. L

    My new tank is being delivered by crane!

    have you filled it up yet???? lol i know you want to
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    hey charles, nice meetin you today...ill be picking up those plecos next week!
  7. L

    Super red

    someone buy this i can buy the turtle!
  8. L

    LF: Fei Feng

    pm sent
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    Is this type of filter popular in west coast?

    i dont think so but i want an OHF myself...
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    nice to see you on here charles
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    HBRTG and FH space!
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    HBRTG and FH

    no not yet, the tanks arrive early august...
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    HBRTG and FH

    we can throw in Jeremiah's aro too....the person with the biggest tank so far has to be theo.. hahah but I think he has his own plans for that tank.
  14. L

    One way to mix flowerhorn and arowana peacefully ......

    I've heard of ppl knocking out the FH and filing down their teeth ( I'm guessing it's to minimize the damage in a breeding set up) I had a FH with my aro, only because I had no other tank to put it in, they were fine but i guess each case would be different. They are no longer together but...
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    HBRTG and FH

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    An arowana can swallow a .............

    i had success with feeding everything except SW and crickets at a young age and then after a year introduce SW. now he excepts all types of foods not just addicted to SW.
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    An arowana can swallow a .............

    the snake bit back too! has anyone tried this here??
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    LF - geophagus red head tapajos

    as title states...
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    Superworms - 1000 @ $25.00 (delivery in)

    ill take 1000 worms (vancouver) but we all have to pool our orders for lower shipping costs
  20. L

    Went window shopping in Bangkok today...

    your link doesn't work...