Search results

  1. L

    lf: tank 120gal +

    will this be for your new aro?> well ill have my 150gal available once theo gets the order of the acrylic tanks in its 5x2x2 let me know if you are interested
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    Tenecor acrylic aquarium group buy

    anyone else interested???
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    ST Dats.

    was there any trouble bringing this guy up here across the border
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    Where to buy in Vancouver

    the one on hastings and nanaimo is called multiplex aquariums?
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    Selling PNT

    might help others if you post your location
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    "WIN a FREE Asian Arowana Contest" -- Q&A thread --

    cirrus thanks for putting on these contests congrats to the winner!
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    "WIN a FREE Asian Arowana Contest" -- Q&A thread --

    so what happens now with the contest, since everyone was over will there be a new one starting?
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    "WIN a FREE Asian Arowana Contest" -- Q&A thread --

    dont you mean over? anyways thanks for the clear up.
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    "WIN a FREE Asian Arowana Contest" -- Q&A thread --

    will there be a winner for sure? seems like the market dipped as of today and its under $900 an ounce i think everyones guess is over what happens is its under everyones guess?
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    just sharing my collection

    nice collection i wish i had the money and space you have!!
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    The Winner of Super Red Class A - 40 cm up - Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua Competition

    awesome looking reds. what farm are they from
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    Charming Phoenix

    great looking FF where did you get it?
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    i guess these guys are not great jumpers if there were'nt any fencing before
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    My Short Body HBRTG from Xian leng Malaysia

    what kind of lighting are you using
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    Crazy Hobbyist of Vancouver - series one - BIG RED

    great collection of fish thanks for the photos....keep them comming!
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    Arowna 4 sale in Toronto

    bump for a nice looking aro
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    Dominant arowana

    i had this same problem! my ff did live for quite awhile with the aro but i think it got stressed/ starved to death. Whenever it was feeding time my aro would charge the FF and would not let it eat, it just didnt like to share. In the end my FF got skinny and his fins started to rip and i do...
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    they are an aquatic turtle you dont see them around because they are very rare since you cant import turtles into canada. if you do see one it will cost atleast $500
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    Arowana Ebook!

    thanks for the link, wheres the forum off the website?