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  1. C

    christmas update

    Very nice. Love the pattern on that hybrid. Also nice leo as well.
  2. C

    Arrivals of New Rays.....

    Hey Chen. I know I'm a little late in the conversation. I would definitely keep on top of the poop situation. I keep a small bucket close to the tank with a syphon hose, I syphon out the poop when ever I see it and then top up the water at the end of the day. I also always keep a bin of treated...
  3. C

    Arrivals of New Rays.....

    Congrats Chen. Glad to hear they arrived ok. I'm really looking forward to seeing pics of them in your system.
  4. C

    arowana & stingray

    Wow! Consider the fact that your aro survived that attack very lucky.
  5. C

    Arrivals of New Rays.....

    Very nice rays Chen. WOW!!
  6. C


    I was snapping some pics today so grabbed a couple of my female marbles. The smaller one is about 8" and the larger is 11" or so. I also have a large mature male but he is still fairly fresh and not totally coloured up yet. I'll post some pics of him when he is settled in.
  7. C

    High back update

    Hi everyone. I had my camera out today so I thought I'd snap a couple pics. About 8" now. Getting nice and thick. He totally hates the camera so hard to get a good pic.
  8. C


    Thanks guys. I really liked the little guy. Hopefully I'll be getting another one in a bit.
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    Well, unfortunately this little guy didn't make it. Came home this morning to find him curled up and dead. He was in quarantine by himself and was eating shrimp, earthworm and bloodworm right up until yesterday. Poor little guy. Not sure what happened.
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    Out of the hobby.. kinda

    What, not the boesemani! Glwts
  11. C

    FS: WC P13 Leopoldi Stingray (Pair)

    I can't believe these rays haven't sold yet! I've seen these in person and they are sweet. $2400 is a steal for a pair of leos like these.
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    Potamotrygon Boesemani

    Nice! Hope mine colours up like that.
  13. C


    Hi everyone. Got this little guy today. Love him already. Hes only 6" so still in juvie colors.
  14. C

    Tiger ray $350!!FIRM Must go

    This guy has to go. He's very healthy. 11" across. nice long tail. Eats very well. $350!!! Pickup or willing to meet as far as Oakville.
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    Xingu Sp Female

    Wow She's beautiful! This really is a great deal on a super rare ray.
  16. C

    Male marble motoro 10" $300

    Ok, I'll drop another $25. I need this guy gone. Definitely wont drop any lower. I'm willing to meet at BA's in Stoney Creek or Oakville. Thanks
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    Tiger Ray $450!!!

    I am now willing to ship the Ray or both rays at buyers expense. Shipping is airport to airport shipped collect.
  18. C

    Tiger Ray $450!!!

    At this point I'll consider trades. Please let me know if you are interested in trading for one of the following: 10-16" tigrinus, hbrtg, aussie lung. Thanks Chuck
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    Nice pearl