Arrivals of New Rays.....


Super Moderator
Can't rays arriving tomorrow night....unfortunately the arrival was planned to be here a few days after I would have set up my new tank but now it has arrived before the tank! Nevertheless they will go into my current tank although it's only going to be for a week or so I'm not too concern.

Expecting arrival of 3 BD's (1 EXTremely nice Male, and 2 females), 2 Henlei
s (1 king henlei male, 1 female). These pics where when they were caught a couple of months ago and have been in I'm being told don't do them justice...they never do!'s a peek of what's the come

Note, these pic's were taken back in Oct...





You are really in the big leagues now Chen! You will have to learn Japanese soon to start posting in the foums in Japan! :D

Serioulsy though, you are doing something pretty amazing. :)

And that eclipse male must be one of the first in Canada - maybe THE first?
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Kata, the Tig's doing amazing! Had a lot of folks wanting it but this guy is a keeper. He has started to explode in his size and stripes are starting to go crazy now...
I am glad to see you are happy with it, I was thinking about getting into some rays myself but not as ballsdeep as you lol.
LOL.....I just finished reinforcing the floor....wife isn't too happy having a 450gal tank in the living room.....I only ask her one thing....if she decides to kill me in my sleep...please use my new tank as my coffin and let me go with my fishes! :-)
yeah...a bit nervous about the shipment, all will be packed with heat packs...will be hounding Westjet to get the shipment out and into my hands.......I will be acclimatizing them much longer then normal due to the temperature outside....going to be a long night tomorrow...shipment arrives 9pm....
Good luck. Doesn't westjet have heated cargo for pets and fish? I thought I heard that somewhere. Will be looking forward to your pictures and hopefully pups in the future.