Arrivals of New Rays.....

yeah...a bit nervous about the shipment, all will be packed with heat packs...will be hounding Westjet to get the shipment out and into my hands.......I will be acclimatizing them much longer then normal due to the temperature outside....going to be a long night tomorrow...shipment arrives 9pm....

Safely arrived?

Please exempt my admission fee if you get a chance to see those rays at your place one day.
aaaah....missed flights!.....will need to pick up tomorrow morning now! LOL...another night of NO sleep!...better safe then sorry I guess by rushing them onto another flight without the proper temperature storage!
I am pretty sure you will have a fair number of people from coast to coast checking in tomorrow...;)

I wish you all the luck! :)
Arrived!....staring the acclimatization process...should be in tank in an hour or so!....all are 12" diameter! MUCH larger then what was sold to me at!!!!

Stay tune about 450gal arriving in a 1 1/2 are some quick shots...more pics later as I didn't want to bother them too much until they get settled in..

All new Rays measured at 12-13" diameter.....

5 Big Boxes weighting in approx...30KG each!...sigh..

Checking on the Male Eclipse and acclimatizing before heading into temp home

Final Acclimatization before taking the plunge

Settling in nicely....




Wide Angle Shot (Aro looks Stubby!'s the wide angle shot making him look stubby! lol

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Wow they look great that king henlie and male bd are tops.
Watch for an ammonia spike with that much new bioload introduced.
Great buys I'm very envious.
yup...keeping close eyes on them...will be doing water change of 20-25% every 2-3 days until new tank arrives just to be diligent!....also control feeding ... enough food to fill tummy but not enough to poo too much! lol
I beleive! I beleive! There really is a Santa! The other half of the gift is expected to arrive just shortly after Christmas, was suppose to be here already! But better late then never. Going to set it up as soon as it arrives, going to be a few very very long days and late nights!
Those rays are beautiful and some of the nicest black rays i have seen. I could not imagine recieveing 5 boxes of fish at once, let alone the contents of each box that you recieved. Id be shaking the whole time. I think you got christmas presents covered for at least the next 10 years!

What size tank are they in now? 6x3x2? any shots of fitration?