Arrivals of New Rays.....

Super envious Chen. I am seriously concerned about the bioload in that tank though. I would up your water changes to daily until your tank comes.
Hey Rudy...yeah...I'll do daily water change!...will do 25% each night when I get will also be easier since it's the holiday season....daily changes will be easy at 25%...only 30mins...

I have a FX5 and a Pro 3 2080 in there running the show...full of good media so that will help. But daily changes for the next week plus won't be a problem!...

didn't get much sleep last night!...up sitting in front of the tank just watching them!..
Hey Rudy...yeah...I'll do daily water change!...will do 25% each night when I get will also be easier since it's the holiday season....daily changes will be easy at 25%...only 30mins...

I have a FX5 and a Pro 3 2080 in there running the show...full of good media so that will help. But daily changes for the next week plus won't be a problem!...

didn't get much sleep last night!...up sitting in front of the tank just watching them!..

Sorry Chen I just get worried and dont mean to scare you I just had a dejavu when I saw this. A few years back I got a large load of Medium sized Marble Motoros. Due to a delay in flights my friends were unable to pick them up until the next day. I placed them in a 240 that was very established and well filtered as it was temporary. I went to work that day and came back to find 90% loss due to a spike that had actually gone down by the time I got home from work. If you could even hook up a temporary drip just to keep things calm.
Congratulations on the succesful arrival of your fish Chen - absolutely stunning.

Over the past few months when I had big shipments of rays pass through, I spot siphoned 20% of the water at different times throughout the day, always focussed on getting any piece of poo out ASAP. Then I would add the new water at night just before going to bed. I kept the temp high at 30 C, used heavy mechanical and biological filtration with lots of aeration, and added a tbs of aquarium salt per 10 gallons. Probably the same kind of thing you are doing I think.

Rudy, how do you recommend setting up a drip? That is a method I would like to learn more about.
"Rudy, how do you recommend setting up a drip? That is a method I would like to learn more about. "

Mine are pretty ghetto actually. All I do is drill a holdin either the sump, or the tank (like Chen has) and hook pvc up to the drain. then run a hose into the tank through preferably another drilled hole with a bulkhead, or if there is no accessibility to do so then just run it over the top. I drip 50-80 gallons per day on my large tank and pond. Water is cheap. Rays are expensive.
i can post a picture of you like but exactly how you are picturing is what it looks like

I dont worry about water treatment however if this is a concern for anybody drip the water into a bag of Carbon.
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Maybe it is a good thing I have been procrastinating in setting up my big tank since I can still implement new ideas (everything is still accessible). I had never thought of using a drip system like you describe but it makes perfect sense to me.
Maybe it is a good thing I have been procrastinating in setting up my big tank since I can still implement new ideas (everything is still accessible). I had never thought of using a drip system like you describe but it makes perfect sense to me.

I have over 1500 gallons of water going in my house and I change one tank at 100 gallons per week.. If I could it would be on the drip system as well. They are simple and a life savor.

I love this picture. Black Rays substrate. :)
Hey Chen. I know I'm a little late in the conversation. I would definitely keep on top of the poop situation. I keep a small bucket close to the tank with a syphon hose, I syphon out the poop when ever I see it and then top up the water at the end of the day. I also always keep a bin of treated water on hand at all times, that way the water is aged enough not to disrupt the biological filter at all when it is added but is still available in a pinch. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you bro. Hope your new tank arrives sooner than later. Let me know if you'll need a hand with that thing, If I'm off I'll make the trip to help you out.
nicest rays ive seen in canada for sure!! well done man. your tank look like those jap mags! lol. i keep a net and bucket as well handy. just incase i see any poo floating around, ill scoop it up immediately. with that kind of bioload, id be doing the same as what you are doing. water change everyday.
That's awesome!

You might consider getting an UltimaII 2000 pond filter for that kind of bioload. I have a couple on my tanks (a 1000 and a 2000) and they do a great job. I only have to back flush them once a year and are basically maintenance free. The Ultima 2000 is rated for a 2000g pond and should keep your tank ammonia and nitrate free. Water changes every day can become quite a chore after a while. I have cut my wc down to 2 per week with no problems.

Once again, great looking tank and have a Merry Christmas!
well...i'm doing 25% water change every day. Feeding is every other day. Also i have a lot of water movements inside the tank now and done in a way that all the poop are blown up to the surface of the water and then into to FX5 and Eheim Pro 3's. I have the filter intake separated so that it also skims the water surface to quickily get rid of poop...
pictures a bit off since I'm pretty much taking these near darkness...two of my BD's thinks they are swimmers!. LOL...these two or the one below is always swimming with my Aro!'t both my Red at all...or I hope not but the BD catches the "Wave" and goes back and forth for a good minute or so and then back up.....funny and cool to watch..



They look great! It's always fun to watch rays, they seem to have so much personality. One of mine likes to go up the side of the tank and snag floating pellets.

I feed my rays twice a day, morning and evening, with market shrimp. Once every second day seems a little light to me for rays but if it works for you, great! At least you can cut down on the food bill (which must be large with all those beautiful rays). I like to keep mine full, with a large hump on their back near the base of their tail.

And nice aro and tig, too!
I've started to feed them shrimps everyday now. I was feeding feeding every other day shrimp and on between pellets so they had something everyday. Feeding may change once I get them into their new tank. Twice a day? Wow! Food bill must be through the roof? I go through A bag of shrimp per feeding which is around 3 shrimps per Ray (3" length shrimp).
3" shrimps? Those are big! I buy my shrimp by the case (6 5 lb boxes) at a time. It usually lasts me three weeks, so that's about 1 lb of shrimp per feeding. A case costs me about $150 so that's $50 per week for shrimp. I feed my shrimp not only to my 4 adult and 5 juvenile rays but also to my 4 pbass, 2 aros and 2 dats. I'm the only one in the house who doesn't eat shrimp (can't afford it). :)