Arrivals of New Rays.....

Lol! I've got allegies to shrimps so when I'm preparing them for feedig I've got to be careful not to get stab by their heads or tail. I figure I go through $25 per week of shrimps.
if your are allegic, why dont you buy the pre- peeled and deveined shrimps from T&T or other asian mart. its only a little bit more and no itchy fingers.
yea with my rays, aro and dats, i find its costing me a lot of money to feed them already. i could only imagine if u fed all your fish twice a day. stingrays can eat sooo much and still be hungry lol.
well...I'll stick to a bag a day for now ......25-30 per week is ok....I just won't get too many Timmies!